
  1. Astronomy

    A Low Note in Cosmos: Sounding out a new role for black holes

    Astronomers have for the first time detected sound waves generated by a black hole.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Control of animal epidemic slowed human illness

    Control measures implemented in response to the devastating animal epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease can apparently help curtail the spread of the cryptosporidium parasite, which sickens people.

  3. 19272

    I read this article with interest. Can you tell me what contributes to these deposits in arteries? Julie WinslettDahlonega, Ga. It’s not ingestion of calcium, at least in people with normal kidney function, says Paolo Raggi of Tulane University in New Orleans. Rather, the condition stems from damage to vessel walls wrought by high blood […]

  4. Health & Medicine

    Coronary calcium may predict death risk

    The amount of calcium in the coronary arteries can serve as a risk marker for people who are otherwise without heart disease symptoms.

  5. Earth

    New mantle model gets the water out

    A novel notion of geophysical processes taking place deep within our planet may explain why the upper layer of Earth's mantle is relatively depleted of many trace elements.

  6. Astronomy

    Solar system replica?

    Carefully monitoring the motion of a star 90 light-years from Earth, astronomers have found what may be the closest analog known to our solar system.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Grades slipping? Check for snoring

    Children who snore frequently are more likely to struggle with their schoolwork than are children who rarely snore.

  8. Paleontology

    Fossils’ ear design hints at aquatic lifestyle

    New studies of distinctive skull structures in fossils of one of Earth's earliest-known four-limbed creatures suggest the animal could hear best when it was underwater.

  9. Chemistry

    Secret of strong silk

    By controlling the amount of water in their glands, spiders and silkworms prevent their silk proteins from crystallizing prematurely.

  10. Earth

    Exposure to phthalate may shorten pregnancy

    Babies exposed to a common phthalate plasticizer before birth spend a week less in the womb than do those without evidence of exposure.

  11. Tech

    Memory Enhancers

    Engineers take aim at increasing the density of data storage on magnetic media.

  12. 19271

    There is a striking similarity in the wave patterns of the ash plume on the cover of the Sept. 13 issue (above) and those in the gas of the Perseus Cluster (“A Low Note in Cosmos: Sounding out a new role for black holes,” SN: 9/13/03, p. 163: A Low Note in Cosmos: Sounding out […]
