
  1. Memory echoes in brain’s sensory terrain

    The process of remembering an event reactivates brain regions that were involved in initially seeing or hearing the event.

  2. Earth

    Model offers grounds for midwestern quakes

    A new computer model may help explain how earthquakes can happen at fault zones located far from the edges of a tectonic plate.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Gene Tied to Heightened Diabetes Risk

    People with three particular variations within the gene that encodes the protein calpain-10 face triple the risk of getting type II diabetes.

  4. Math

    Trimathlon Palindromes

    “A man, a plan, a canal–Panama.” This statement is a famous example of a palindrome–a phrase that reads the same forward or backward. Inventive wordsmiths and puzzlists have come up with all sorts of words, sentences, and even paragraphs that have this property. The term palindrome can also be applied to whole numbers, such as […]

  5. Earth

    River Stats Trickle In: Major floods may be waning in Europe

    A new analysis of historical flood records from central Europe suggests that widespread inundations in the region have been on the wane for the past century or so.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Paper Chased: Cancer-vaccine study is retracted

    Researchers in Germany have retracted a paper that reported promising results for a vaccine that elicited immune responses against cancer cells.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Sweet Relief: Comfort food calms, with weighty effect

    Chronic stress might drive people to consume comfort foods that can soothe the brain.

  8. 19341

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that attacks the myelin sheath around neurons. If there were a relationship between myelin and psychiatric illnesses, as suggested in your article, then many people with MS would suffer from schizophrenia or bipolar illnesses. The study is much too small […]

  9. DNA Tie for Two Disorders: Genetic defects link psychiatric ailments

    Alterations of genes that produce a protective, fatty coating for brain cells may influence the development of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Damage Patrol: Enzyme may reveal cancer susceptibility

    People with lung cancer show less DNA-repair activity by a certain enzyme than people without the disease do.

  11. Physics

    Fusion Boost: Promising path to heavy nuclei

    By using radioactive nuclei as projectiles in accelerator-based nuclear collisions, scientists may be able to produce more readily than expected many exotic heavy nuclei that are impossible to make today but are crucial for future advances in nuclear physics.

  12. 19273

    There is a striking similarity in the wave patterns of the ash plume on the cover of the Sept. 13 issue (above) and those in the gas of the Perseus Cluster pictured in this article. Could it be that volcanoes produce sound waves we can’t hear but can see in the plume? Paul HeinsGainesville, Fla. […]
