
  1. Physics

    Shedding Light on the Infrared

    For students and teachers, this NASA-sponsored Web site offers illuminating insights into infrared light. It explains the fundamentals of infrared astronomy, using animations, images, classroom lessons and activities, games, and more. Take a look at infrared views of familiar objects, from Yellowstone’s “Old Faithful” geyser to a pot-bellied pig. Go to: http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/

  2. Paleontology

    Ancient atmosphere was productive

    New laboratory experiments suggest that extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the era just before the dinosaurs went extinct may have boosted plant productivity to at least three times that found in today’s ecosystems.

  3. Paleontology

    Healed scars tag T. rex as predator

    Healed wounds on the fossil skull of a Triceratops—wounds that match the size and shape of those that would be made by Tyrannosaurus rex—are a strong sign that the tooth scrapes are a result of attempted predation, not scavenging.

  4. Paleontology

    Role of gastroliths in digestion questioned

    New analyses of the gastroliths in ostriches are casting doubt on the theory that large, plant-eating dinosaurs swallowed stones to grind up tough vegetation and thereby aid their digestion.

  5. Paleontology

    Tracks suggest chase, capture, and after-meal respite

    A 1.3-meter-long, S-shaped trail of fossil footprints discovered in southwestern Indiana includes one set of disappearing tracks—suggesting an ancient chase—and an impression where the predator rested after its meal.

  6. Beast Buddies

    As researchers muse about the evolutionary origins of friendship, even the social interactions of giraffes are getting a second look.

  7. Physics

    A Spin through Space-Time

    After 40 years of preparation, satellite Gravity Probe B is scheduled to launch next month and test the prediction that massive bodies, such as Earth, twist space itself as they rotate.

  8. Math

    Seven-Game World Series

    In professional baseball’s World Series, the championship is decided in a best-of-seven format. The first team to win four games gets the pennant. Curiously, series that go on for the full seven games appear to occur more often than simple probability arguments would suggest. Suppose that two, evenly matched teams have made it to the […]

  9. Humans


    Letters from the Oct. 25, 2003, issue of Science News.

  10. Physics

    Super Spinner: Seven-atom speck acts like superfluid

    Scientists have for the first time directly observed the onset in liquid helium of superfluidity—a quantum-mechanical state in which liquids flow without friction—as helium atoms accumulated one by one to form a droplet of liquid around a gas molecule.

  11. Paleontology

    Bob, Bob, Bobbin’ Along: Dinosaur buoyancy may explain odd tracks

    New lab experiments and computer analyses may explain how some of the heftiest four-legged dinosaurs ever to walk on Earth could have left trackways that include the imprints of only their front feet.

  12. Astronomy

    When really big winds collide

    A newly released image shows dramatic details of the Crescent nebula, a giant gaseous shell created by outbursts of a massive star about to explode as a supernova.
