
  1. 19287

    This article refers to “Japanese research-whaling ships” that “capture” whales. Reputable scientists and environmentalists agree that the Japanese whaling industry operates primarily for slaughter, not research, in violation of antiwhaling treaties respected by virtually all nations. Science News shouldn’t use the propaganda terms favored by those who would drive cetaceans to extinction. Ken PaffDetroit, Mich.

  2. Whales of Distinction: Old specimens now declared a new species

    Japanese researchers have named a new category of living baleen whales to explain puzzling specimens dating back to the 1970s.

  3. Planetary Science

    Giant picture of a giant planet

    The Saturn-bound Cassini spacecraft has taken the sharpest global portrait of Jupiter ever obtained, showing the planet's turbulent atmosphere in true color.

  4. 19286

    Sounds like this article is on to a fertile field of inquiry. But why were all the subjects who were tested for racial bias white? I suggest that people of other colors be tested, too. In my experience, racial bias cuts many ways. Anne JonesShawnee Mission, Kan.

  5. Bias Bites Back: Racial prejudice may sap mental control

    White people who hold biased attitudes toward blacks experience a decline in the ability to monitor and control information after brief interracial encounters, a new study suggests.

  6. Physics

    Quantum Pileup: Ultracold molecules meld into oneness

    Scientists have for the first time transformed molecules into an exotic state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate.

  7. Earth

    Pieces of a Pulverizer? Sediment fragments may be from killer space rock

    Scientists sifting sediments laid down just after Earth's most devastating mass extinction 250 million years ago may have found minuscule fragments of the extraterrestrial object that caused the catastrophe.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Rebuilding the Heart: Marrow cells boost cardiac recovery

    Inserting a person's own bone marrow stem cells into an ailing heart via a catheter can improve heart and lung function in such patients.

  9. Humans


    Letters from the Nov. 22, 2003, issue of Science News.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Protein may predict heart problems

    Low blood concentrations of a protein called adiponectin may signal risk of heart disease.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Defibrillator access pays dividends

    Ready access to a heart defibrillator can boost the survival chances of someone who suffers a cardiac arrest.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Weight-loss compound may cause arrhythmia

    The weight-loss supplement Metabolife 356 causes subtle changes in heartbeat in test subjects.
