
  1. Tech

    Electronic Thread: Fiber transistor may lead to woven circuits

    By coating flexible metal fibers with semiconductors, researchers have developed individual threads that act as transistors and that should be linkable into circuits by means of wires included among a fabric's threads.

  2. Protein Portal: Enzyme acts as door for the SARS virus

    A protein that regulates blood pressure also serves as the cellular portal for the SARS virus.

  3. Materials Science

    This Won’t Hurt . . . Tiny needles deliver drugs painlessly

    Microscopic needles may provide a painless alternative to syringes and patches.

  4. Earth

    Lake Retreat: African river valley once hosted big lake

    The valley of the White Nile in Africa may long ago have held a shallow lake that sprawled 70 kilometers across and stretched more than 500 km along the river.

  5. Chemistry

    The March of History: Terra-cotta warriors show their true colors

    As archaeologists continue to excavate the famous Chinese terra-cotta warriors, a new restoration technique could preserve the figures' paint coats, which normally peel off when exposed to the elements.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Fetal Risk: Inflammation in womb tied to cerebral palsy

    For a pregnant woman carrying a baby to term, inflammation in the womb nearly quadruples the chance her baby will be born with cerebral palsy.

  7. 19289

    Nice to know that someone is scanning kids’ skulls for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The essential problem with this sort of thing is that psychology and psychiatry are descriptive endeavors and particularly flexible when it comes to describing ADHD. It’s unlikely that all the behaviors associated with the syndrome have a common physiologic structure. This […]

  8. ADHD’s Brain Trail: Cerebral clues emerge for attention disorder

    A new brain-imaging investigation suggests that disturbances in a network of regions involved in regulating actions and attention underlie the childhood psychiatric ailment known as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

  9. Humans


    Letters from the Nov. 29, 2003, issue of Science News.

  10. Math

    The Cow in the Classroom

    “Miss Zarves drew a triangle on the blackboard. ‘A triangle has three sides,’ she said, then pointed to each side. ‘One, two, three.’ She drew a square. ‘A square has four sides. One, two, three, four.’ “She walked around the cow to the other side of the board. She drew a pentagon, a hexagon, and […]

  11. There’s no faking it

    The brain activity in men and women having an orgasm is very similar.

  12. HIV protein breaks biological clock

    The AIDS virus secretes a protein that interferes with an animal's biological clock.
