
  1. Health & Medicine

    No Scope: CT scan works as well as colonoscopy

    A computed tomography scan of the large intestine works as well as colonoscopy in detecting signs of colon cancer.

  2. Humans


    Letters from the Dec. 6, 2003, issue of Science News.

  3. Humans

    Nanotech bill gives field a boost

    Congress has approved a nanotechnology act that commits $3.7 billion in funding over 4 years and calls for research on the societal, environmental, and ethical implications of this rapidly growing field.

  4. Plants, bats magnify neurotoxin in Guam

    Researchers have found that the natural neurotoxin BMAA gets magnified as it rises through a food chain on Guam, a finding that strengthens a recent hypothesis that attempts to explain a spike in neurological disease on that island.

  5. Planetary Science

    Martian sand ripples are taller than Earth’s

    New data gathered by a Mars-orbiting probe suggest that large ripples found in sandy areas of the Red Planet are more than twice as tall as their terrestrial counterparts.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Two markers may predict heart risk

    Two proteins that play a role in inflammation may serve as indicators of a person's risk of heart disease and stroke.

  7. Tiny Bubbles

    Microscopic vesicles shed by cells may help the AIDS virus, benefit cancer cells, and drive the immune response.

  8. 19290

    Unfortunately your article got something wrong in describing the reshaping of aircraft surfaces. It states, “The recently retired supersonic commercial transport, the Concorde, tilted its nose downward for subsonic flight.” This is not the (whole) truth because the reason for this reshaping was not to reduce air drag, but to achieve a far-better view of […]

  9. Tech

    Wings of Change

    Inspired by the Wright brothers, who steered their first flyer by twisting its pliant wings, engineers are developing versatile and flexible flying machines expected to undergo radical shape changes in flight.

  10. Humans

    From the November 25, 1933, issue

    STEEL TOWERS GO UP AND DOWN TO SPEED SURVEY OF COUNTRY Work on control surveys of the United States is being rapidly pushed forward under funds recently provided by the Public Works Administration to the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Although the immediate purpose is to provide employment to a great number of men, the […]

  11. Math

    Fractal World

    Created by Michael Frame, Benoit Mandelbrot, and Nial Neger of Yale University, these Web pages serve as a remarkably comprehensive source of information on fractal geometry. The site offers basic definitions, many illustrations, and lots of mathematical details. Topics include natural fractals and dimensions, iterated function systems, the complex Newton’s method, fractals in art and […]

  12. Earth

    The Next MTBE: Contamination from fuel additives could spread

    Several alternatives to the common gasoline additives methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and ethanol could create environmental problems similar to those that MTBE has already caused.
