
  1. Math

    Megaprime Champion

    The catalog of humongous prime numbers has a new entry–the champion prime (220996011 – 1), which has 6,320,430 decimal digits. It’s the largest known prime number and the 40th Mersenne prime ever found. A prime is a whole number (other than 1) that is evenly divisible by only itself and 1. Written in the form […]

  2. Humans

    From the December 2, 1933, issue

    SCIENTISTS UNLEASH LARGEST ATOM-ATTACKING MACHINE Seven million volts, mans closest approach to the voltage of natures lightning, flashed across the gigantic ball terminals of sciences greatest generator, erected by Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicists in Col. E.H.R. Greens airship hangar at Round Hill, Mass., and operated Tuesday for the first time at so great an […]

  3. Physics

    Particle Interactions

    The world’s leading particle physics laboratories have collaborated to provide a one-stop online resource for communicating research in the world of particle physics. Updated daily, the site provides news stories, science policy papers, conference information, and much more. An image bank contains photos and illustrations showing accelerators, detectors, particle collisions, historical events, aerial views, and […]

  4. Ecosystems

    New Farmers: Salt marsh snails plow leaves, fertilize fungus

    A salt marsh snail works the leaves of a plant in what researchers say looks like a simple form of farming.

  5. Physics

    Doppler Toppler: Experiment upends normal frequency shift

    The expected drop in frequency of a signal from a receding source—the Doppler effect—becomes a frequency increase when a high-current electric pulse creates extraordinary electromagnetic conditions in a web of electrical components.

  6. 19362

    Your article uses the words “placebo therapies such as supportive counseling.” I think that people in the profession and people who have been paying for such therapy would disagree with the characterization. Also, the various permutations of treatment covered in the article didn’t include a very common one: drugs without any serious counseling. In such […]

  7. Allies in Therapy: Depression fix feeds off patient-therapist bond

    Psychotherapy's ability to quell symptoms of depression may depend more on the therapeutic alliance, a measure of the bond between patient and therapist, than on any specific techniques wielded by the therapist.

  8. Paleontology

    Proud paleontologists proclaim: It’s a boy!

    Marine sediments deposited about 425 million years ago have yielded what scientists contend is the world’s oldest undoubtedly male fossil.

  9. 19361

    This article describes the use of the mosquito-borne Sindbis virus to kill cancer cells in lab dishes and mice. It would be interesting to determine whether the human population of the Egyptian town of Sindbis exhibits a reduced incidence of certain cancers. Perhaps large-scale efforts directed toward elimination of the mosquito in populated areas are […]

  10. Seek and Destroy: Virus attacks cancer, spares normal cells

    A virus carried by mosquitoes naturally homes in on cancer cells and destroys them.

  11. Earth

    Cloud Chemistry: Atmospheric scientists dissect cirrus clouds

    Cirrus cloud formation is influenced by the particles in the atmosphere, including pollutants.

  12. Astronomy

    Solar Flip-Flops: Sun storms spawn magnetic reversal

    Coronal mass ejections, billion-ton clouds of charged particles blasted from the sun, appear to play a key role in reversing the sun's magnetic poles every 11 years.
