
  1. Earth

    Gemstone Geography: New technique discerns emeralds’ beginnings

    Water molecules trapped inside the minuscule channels of an emerald harbor telltale signs of the gem's geographic origin.

  2. Genome made quickly from scratch

    Scientists have synthesized a viral genome in record time.

  3. Astronomy

    Spying a planet in star’s dusty veil

    Astronomers blocked out the light of a nearby star and found hints of an orbiting planet.

  4. Humans

    Panel turns critical eye on testosterone

    Existing evidence does not justify claims that testosterone treatments can relieve or prevent age-related problems in men, a panel of medical experts has concluded.

  5. Astronomy

    Alien stars pass close to home

    Stars from an alien galaxy are raining down on our own Milky Way and passing just a few hundred light-years from Earth.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nanoparticles hunt down and kill tumors

    Gold nanoparticles, injected into mouse tumors and exposed to light, have been found to destroy cancer cells, a treatment approach that may one day offer an alternative to surgery.

  7. Physics

    Hints emerge of a four-quark particle

    Previously observed only in twos, threes, and perhaps in fives, quarks and antiquarks in a newfound particle may have glommed together to form a never-before-seen foursome.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Discovery of Insulin

    In 1923, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to Frederick Banting and J.J.R. Macleod for their part in the discovery of insulin. This site documents that discovery and the initial development of insulin to alleviate suffering from diabetes. Part of the University of Toronto Libraries’ digital collection, the site features more than 7,000 images, reproducing […]

  9. 19363

    This article speculated on the evolutionary origins of thermogenesis and observed how it predominates in ancient lineages of flowering plants like magnolias and water lilies. But thermogenesis goes back much farther than this, for it also occurs in cycads, nonflowering plants that arose in the Paleozoic. The male cones of some cycads, when mature, may […]

  10. Plants

    Warm-Blooded Plants?

    Research heats up on why some flowers have the chemistry to keep themselves warm.

  11. 19291

    This article describes attempts to use ketones as a substitute for glucose when it’s unavailable to the brain because converted fats can’t penetrate the brain. Wouldn’t it be simpler to feed or inject glucose directly? Oliver H. WinnCorona del Mar, Calif. The researchers who conducted the study say that giving glucose might help in some […]

  12. Health & Medicine

    Ketones to the Rescue

    Medical researchers are investigating a slew of possible applications for acids called ketones, which the body produces naturally when deprived of carbohydrates and protein.
