
  1. Humans


    Letters from the Dec. 20 & 27, 2003, issue of Science News.

  2. Humans


    Letters from the Dec. 20 & 27, 2003, issue of Science News.

  3. Math

    Tricky Crossings

    Have you heard the one about an itinerant entertainer traveling with a wolf, a goat, and a basket of cabbages? E. Roell The showman comes to a river and finds a small boat that holds only himself and one passenger. For obvious reasons, he can’t leave the wolf alone with the goat, or the goat […]

  4. From the December 9, 1933, issue

    BABY SKATES Psychologists were amazed by a motion picture film given a private showing for them recently in Chicago. The film showed a little baby less than a year and one-half old doing the most surprising feats of muscular skill. He roller-skated like a miniature master of the art. He climbed off stools of much […]

  5. Plants

    Sweet Lurkers: Cryptic fungi protect chocolate-tree leaves

    A whole world of fungi thrives inside tree leaves without causing any harm, and researchers now say these residents may help fight disease.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Risk Profile: C-reactive protein may presage hypertension

    High concentrations of the inflammatory compound C-reactive protein may signal an elevated risk of high blood pressure.

  7. 19364

    The conclusion does not follow from the data in this article. The possibility was not ruled out that the same inborn trait that causes fear of novelty also hastens aging. A cohort of novelty-averse rats should have been left stressfree to answer this important question. Tom PaskalMontreal, Quebec

  8. Worried to Death: Lifelong inhibitions hasten rodents’ deaths

    In rats with a fear of novel situations, an exaggerated hormonal response to minor types of stress adds up to a shorter life than that of bold rats.

  9. Earth

    Slowing Puberty? Pesticide may hinder development in boys

    Long-term exposure to the pesticide endosulfan may delay the onset of puberty in boys.

  10. Humans


    Letters from the Dec. 13, 2003, issue of Science News.

  11. Astronomy

    Breach of the Shield: Magnetic links between sun and Earth last hours

    Once breaches have formed in Earth's protective magnetic field, they persist for many hours, allowing charged particles from the sun to gush through and create electrical disturbances.

  12. Model Mice: Blood reveals signs of pancreatic cancer

    Mice that develop pancreatic cancer show signs of the disease long before malignant tumors arise, just as people with this type of cancer do.
