
  1. Warning issued for trauma debriefing

    Efforts to get survivors of a variety of life-threatening situations to vent their emotions in debriefing sessions may do no good, or even cause harm in some cases, a research review finds.

  2. Planetary Science

    Did rivers once run on the Red Planet?

    A fan-shaped region of debris on Mars is providing new evidence that some places on the Red Planet, now bone-dry, once had long-lasting rivers or lakes.

  3. Planetary Science

    Did rivers once run on the Red Planet?

    A fan-shaped region of debris on Mars is providing new evidence that some places on the Red Planet, now bone-dry, once had long-lasting rivers or lakes.

  4. Tech

    Glow with the flow

    Potentially usable electricity flows when water is forced through millions of ceramic tubes thinner than a human hair.

  5. Tech

    Glow with the flow

    Potentially usable electricity flows when water is forced through millions of ceramic tubes thinner than a human hair.

  6. Physics

    Dune leapfrogging is deciphered

    Some wind-propelled sand dunes can pass right through each other if their relative sizes are right, new computer simulations indicate—although the sand grains of one dune don't actually penetrate through the other dune.

  7. Physics

    Dune leapfrogging is deciphered

    Some wind-propelled sand dunes can pass right through each other if their relative sizes are right, new computer simulations indicate—although the sand grains of one dune don't actually penetrate through the other dune.

  8. Humans

    Undignified Science

    Research advances in 2003 heralded a string of unexpected scientific indignities that will occur in the future, at least in the fevered imagination of one writer.

  9. Humans

    Undignified Science

    Research advances in 2003 heralded a string of unexpected scientific indignities that will occur in the future, at least in the fevered imagination of one writer.

  10. 19301

    This article skipped one of the most significant methods for analyzing text for authorship. On March 11, 1887, Thomas Corwin Mendenhall reported in Science a straightforward method of plotting word length versus frequency. The beauty of this method is that it doesn’t depend upon the exercise of judgment on the part of the investigator. Donald […]

  11. 19367

    This article skipped one of the most significant methods for analyzing text for authorship. On March 11, 1887, Thomas Corwin Mendenhall reported in Science a straightforward method of plotting word length versus frequency. The beauty of this method is that it doesn’t depend upon the exercise of judgment on the part of the investigator. Donald […]

  12. Math

    Bookish Math

    Statistical tests and computation can help solve literary mysteries surrounding the authorship of well-known works.
