
  1. Health & Medicine

    A new study has linked microplastics to heart attacks and strokes. Here’s what we know 

    Patients with microplastics in their arteries were 4.5 times more likely to have a heart attack, stroke or die within the next three years.

  2. Life

    During a total solar eclipse, some colors really pop. Here’s why

    As a solar eclipse approaches totality and our eyes adjust to dimming light, our color vision changes. It’s called the Purkinje effect.

  3. Genetics

    Here’s why some pigeons do backflips

    Meet the scientist homing in on the genes involved in making parlor roller pigeons do backward somersaults.

  4. Finally, scientists are making progress on long COVID

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses researchers' efforts to uncover long COVID's mysteries.

  5. Readers discuss ancient plagues and a fern’s leaf revival

  6. Neuroscience

    Chickadees use memory ‘bar codes’ to find their hidden food stashes

    Unique subsets of neurons in a chickadee’s memory center light up for each distinct cache, hinting at how episodic memories are encoded in the brain.

  7. Neuroscience

    Here’s how magnetic fields shape desert ants’ brains

    Exposure to a tweaked magnetic field scrambled desert ants’ efforts to learn where home is — and affected neuron connections in a key part of the brain.

  8. Health & Medicine

    How patient-led research could speed up medical innovation

    People with long COVID, ME/CFS and other chronic conditions are taking up science to find symptom relief and inspire new directions for professional scientists.

  9. Earth

    Earth’s oldest known earthquake was probably triggered by plate tectonics

    Billion-year-old rocks in South Africa hold evidence for the onset of plate tectonics early in Earth’s history.

  10. Earth

    Climate change is changing how we keep time

    Polar ice sheets are melting faster, slowing Earth’s spin. That is changing how we synchronize our clocks to tell time.

  11. Space

    A new image reveals magnetic fields around our galaxy’s central black hole

    Astronomers have captured polarized light coming from the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, giving insight into its magnetic fields.

  12. Physics

    A teeny device can measure subtle shifts in Earth’s gravitational field

    No bigger than a grain of rice, the heart of the instrument is the latest entrant in the quest to build ever tinier gravity-measuring devices.
