
  1. Earth

    Two microbes team up to munch methane

    Aggregates of two different microorganisms in methane-bearing ocean sediments collected off the Oregon coast appear to collaborate to consume methane despite a lack of oxygen.

  2. Teams implicate new gene in prostate cancer

    A newly discovered gene may, in rare cases, cause prostate cancer or, more commonly, raise a man's risk of developing the disease.

  3. Earth

    Even Nunavut gets plenty of dioxin

    Within a few weeks, some of the dioxin generated by industrial activities in the United States and Mexico falls out in the high Arctic.

  4. Animals

    Beetle fights bass in mouthwash duel

    A whirligig beetle duels with a hungry fish by dribbling out a repulsive chemical while the fish tries to rinse it off.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Drug spares eggs from early death

    A newly discovered drug that prevents radiation from hastening egg cell death in mice might also prevent some human cancer patients from suffering sterility and premature menopause.

  6. Astronomy

    New Images: They Might Be Planets

    Astronomers have for the first time obtained images of as many as 18 objects beyond our solar system that, based on their mass alone, could qualify as planets.

  7. Math

    Extreme Tides

    If Earth had been somewhat larger, it’s possible that it would not have survived tides induced by its moon or even by an encounter with a passing asteroid. That’s one scenario suggested by a recent investigation of a venerable equation that serves as a model for planetary tidal effects. Tidal effects are caused by the […]

  8. Humans


    Letters from the Jan. 17, 2004, issue of Science News.

  9. Humans

    From the January 13, 1934, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> PROVING THAT BABY CAN SEE “Can he see me?” This is often the first question asked by the young mother when she looks at the depths of solemn mystery in the eyes of her newborn baby. The answer has heretofore always been “No.” Until now, it has been generally thought […]

  10. Humans

    Time Warp

    Curious about the household technology that you might have seen in a typical home in 1970? In 1900? The Time-Warp Project is dedicated to preserving information about the advance of technology. The site lets visitors go decade by decade through illustrations of living rooms and other home settings, with a focus on recorded media, calculating […]

  11. Animals

    Cheap Taste? Bowerbirds go for bargain decor

    When male spotted bowerbirds collect sticks and other doodads to wow females, they don't search for the rare showpiece but go for the cheap trinket.

  12. 19295

    In this article, it was assumed that people who switched from planes to cars after the terrorist attacks did so because of fear. However, many people who switched probably did so because of the inconvenience of added airport security. But before these extra deaths can be blamed on fear, security, or something else, it is […]
