
  1. Reef Relations

    The discovery of humanlike genes in coral means that the common ancestor of both humans and coral was more complex than previously assumed.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Viruses depend on shocking proteins

    To replicate within a cell, a bird virus must force the cell to make certain proteins.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Drugs slow aging in worms

    Drugs that defuse so-called free radicals lengthen a worm's life span by more than 50 percent.

  4. Whatever that is, it’s scary

    Tammar wallabies that have lived away from mammalian predators for more than 9,000 years still seem to recognize the appearance of danger.

  5. Kookaburra sibling rivalry gets rough

    The youngest kookaburra in the nest doesn't have a lot to laugh about.

  6. Astronomy

    Gang of four: Debut of a big telescope

    In the desert of northern Chile, a fourth 8.2-meter telescope opened for business, completing a quartet known as the Very Large Telescope.

  7. Astronomy

    Stellar motions provide hole-y data

    Measuring for the first time the acceleration of stars near the dense core of our galaxy, astronomers have obtained more precise information on the location and density of the black hole that lurks there.

  8. Human, Mouse, Rat . . . What’s Next?

    Scientists lobby for a chimpanzee genome project.

  9. 19371

    One of your sources in this article claims, “After all, even the sacred first law’s conservation of energy breaks down in the quantum realm, albeit in a limited way, he notes. That’s because Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle allows energy momentarily to appear from nothing, although it must be quickly paid back.” This claim is heard occasionally, […]

  10. Physics

    Breaking the Law

    Can quantum mechanics + thermodynamics = perpetual motion?

  11. Math

    Global contest nets encryption standard

    A data-scrambling scheme called Rijndael was selected to become the federal government's new formula for protecting sensitive, unclassified information.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Some psychoactive drugs ease harsh PMS

    Drugs such as widely prescribed Prozac can relieve a severe form of premenstrual syndrome.
