
  1. Humans

    From the January 27, 1934, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> FLASH-OVER AT 125,000 VOLTS Beauty is, indeed, the most important if not the only reason for the choice of this week’s front-cover picture. A glass insulator, of the kind that electrically isolates high-tension [power lines] so that they may carry their power uninterruptedly, is shown flashing over after withstanding a […]

  2. Astronomy

    Historical Astronomy and More

    The NASA Astrophysics Data System offers access to a huge, searchable database of journal articles and abstracts in the fields of physics and astronomy. The collection includes many historical publications in astronomy, including observatory reports, bulletins, and annals. It also has more than 300,000 abstracts from the Physical Review series published by the American Physical […]

  3. Humans

    The Chosen: A New Crop of Scientific Minds; Student science competition announces finalists

    Forty high school students from 14 states and the District of Columbia have been selected to compete for the top prizes in the 2004 Intel Science Talent Search.

  4. Animals

    Vanishing Vultures: Bird deaths linked to vet-drug residues

    The recent puzzling crash in vulture populations in Pakistan comes not from some new disease but from exposure to veterinary drug residues in livestock carcasses.

  5. 19376

    In regards to the picture accompanying this article, it might be helpful to remind readers that such colorful depictions of nanoscale materials are slightly fanciful. These structures exist in realms so small that visible light, and therefore color, has little meaning. James HedbergPortland State UniversityPortland, Ore.

  6. Materials Science

    Pumping Carbon: Researchers watch nanofibers grow

    The first atomic-scale movies of carbon nanofiber growth show particles of a metal catalyst pulsating wildly while carbon and metal atoms scuttle across the particle’s surface.

  7. 19297

    I’m confused. This article says that “atherosclerosis isn’t linked to oxidation of bad cholesterol.” If not, why does the article “Telltale Charts” (Telltale Charts) name cholesterol as one of the traditional risk factors? What is really going on with cholesterol? Sandor FrecskaLancaster, Pa. Good question. While epidemiological studies offer compelling evidence that blood-cholesterol concentrations influence […]

  8. Health & Medicine

    Wine Surprise: Heart-protective effect is independent of antioxidants

    Two studies in mice suggest that, if wine protects against heart disease, it's probably not because of the antioxidants that the drink contains.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Good to the Bone: Strontium compound prevents some fractures

    An experimental drug containing strontium makes bones denser and decreases the risk of fractures, a study of elderly women finds.

  10. Planetary Science

    Red Planet Roundup: Opportunity knocks; Spirit revives

    The NASA rover Opportunity bounced onto an equatorial Martian plain early on Jan. 25 and found an intriguing outcropping of rocks on the other side of the planet from where its ailing but recovering twin, Spirit, had recently stalled.

  11. Humans


    Letters from the Jan. 31, 2004, issue of Science News.

  12. Materials Science

    Flexible E-Paper: Plastic circuits drive paperlike displays

    In a major step toward electronic paper, researchers have made electronic-ink displays on flexible plastic sheets.
