
  1. Astronomy

    Poof goes an atmosphere

    Blasted by the heat and radiation from its parent star, a planet 150 light-years from Earth is literally blowing off its atmosphere.

  2. Bacteria do the twist

    A newly identified bacterial protein generates the sinuous shapes of some bacteria.

  3. Tech

    Diagnosing the Developing World

    Researchers are learning how to adapt sophisticated technologies to meet the health-care needs of the developing world.

  4. Code Breakers

    Chemical tags applied to proteins that DNA wraps around regulate genetic activity.

  5. Animals

    Where’d I Put That?

    Birds that hide and recover thousands of separate caches of seeds have become a model for investigating how animals' minds work.

  6. Math

    Turning a Snowball Inside Out

    Turning a sphere inside out without allowing any sharp creases along the way is a tricky mathematical maneuver. Carving an intricate snow sculpture depicting a crucial step in this twisty transformation presents its own difficulties. This was the challenge facing a team led by mathematician Stan Wagon of Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., last […]

  7. From the February 3, 1934, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> SHORT-WAVE PHONE SYSTEM SERVES BRIDGE BUILDERS Curiously, radio is helping to build a bridge. Special short-wave transmitting and receiving sets make possible communication among groups of contractors scattered on land and water along the eight-and-one-quarter-mile route of work on the San Francisco-Oakland bridge. These men on the job also talk […]

  8. Astronomy

    A Habitable Planet

    NASA offers kids a chance to search for and build a fictional planet on which people could live. This multimedia, interactive Web site guides students through a sequence of role-playing steps, starting with observations of the effects that changes to Earth can have and what’s needed for survival. Go to: http://astroventure.arc.nasa.gov/

  9. Science & Society

    Money Crunch: Tight budget leaves scientists disappointed

    In the federal budget for FY 2005, research and development funding for defense and homeland security gets a boost, but overall investment in science and technology is meager by comparison.

  10. Ecosystems

    Mangrove Might: Nearby trees boost reef-fish numbers

    Coastal mangroves give an unexpectedly important boost to reef fish.

  11. Gassing Up: Oxygen’s rise may have promoted complex life

    The increasing amount of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere may have driven the emergence of complex life.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Early Warning? Inflammatory protein is tied to colon cancer risk

    C-reactive protein, an inflammatory protein linked to heart disease, might also signal susceptibility to colon cancer.
