
  1. Animals

    New Green Eyes: First butterfly that’s genetically modified

    Scientists have genetically engineered a butterfly for the first time, putting a jellyfish protein into a tropical African species so that its eyes fluoresce green.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Meat of the Matter: Fish, flesh feed gout, but milk counters it

    Nutrition research supports the ancient notion that a diet rich in meat contributes to the development of gout, a form of arthritis common in men.

  3. Tech

    Special Treatment: Fuel cell draws energy from waste

    Researchers have created a fuel cell that breaks down organic matter in wastewater and, in the process, generates small amounts of electricity.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Shutting Off an On Switch: Novel drugs slow two cancers in mice

    By shutting down a signaling molecule on cancerous cells, scientists have found a way to slow multiple myeloma and fibrosarcoma, tests in animals show.

  5. Astronomy

    Deepest Vision Yet: Hubble takes ultralong look at the cosmos

    Astronomers unveiled the deepest visible-light portrait of the universe ever taken, a million-second-long exposure by the Hubble Space Telescope that includes near-infrared images of what appear to be the most-distant galaxies known.

  6. Anthropology

    Brain Size Surprise: All primates may share expanded frontal cortex

    A new analysis of brains from a variety of mammal species indicates that frontal-cortex expansion has occurred in all primates, not just in people, as scientists have traditionally assumed.

  7. Scrambled Dogma: Stem cells may make new eggs in women

    Scientists may have come up with a new explanation for how a woman's biological clock works.

  8. Medieval Science

    This page provides links to a wide variety of materials devoted to different aspects of medieval science. Compiled by James McNelis, editor of a journal on medieval literature, the links cover such topics as alchemy, hunting and falconry, archaeoastronomy, horology, mathematics, botany, medicine, and cartography. Go to: http://members.aol.com/mcnelis/medsci_index.html

  9. Earth

    Diesel fumes suppress immune response

    Recurring exposure to soot particles from diesel exhaust fumes reduces the immune system's capacity to fend off infection, tests on rodents indicate.

  10. 19389

    There are added benefits to methotrexate and etanercept for rheumatoid arthritis patients, such as myself. After a recent major flare-up, my rheumatologist put me on that therapy. Many people don’t realize that along with inflammation and pain, arthritis also brings major fatigue and lack of sleep because of pain. I feel much better now, and […]

  11. Health & Medicine

    Two arthritis drugs work best in tandem

    Two anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis—methotrexate and etanercept—work better together than either does individually.

  12. Earth

    Pompeii debris yields calamity clues

    The magnetic characteristics of rocks and debris excavated from Pompeii reveal the changing temperatures of the volcanic ash cloud that smothered the Italian city in A.D. 79.
