
  1. Planetary Science

    Rovers in overtime

    NASA has extended the missions of the twin Mars rovers by 5 months, through September 2004.

  2. 19410

    The Essential Oils Desk Reference lists cinnamon as one of the oils to use for diabetes. Coincidence? I think not. Ancient natural remedies are very effective if you use high-grade therapeutic oils. More testing should be done with natural “medicines,” even though this wouldn’t be profitable for the drug industry. Tom E. KlassenNoblesville, Ind. Chemist […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Coffee, Spices, Wine

    Several dietary agents, including coffee, wine, and cinnamon, appear to restore some of the body's responsiveness to insulin, potentially slowing diabetes' onset or ravages.

  4. 19409

    It’s pitiful to see supposedly objective scientists fantasizing that there’s a “fact that life could be widespread” because they’ve found organic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in space. Even if researchers found all the amino acids floating in space, it would be like finding a pile of bricks and other building materials and imagining they could form […]

  5. Chemistry

    Space Invaders

    Recent astronomical observations and sophisticated lab experiments portray space as a breeding ground for complex organic molecules, the likes of which may have jump-started life on Earth.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the May 1, 2004, issue of Science News

    Skins game I know some people who carefully shield their bodies from the sun with sunscreen and clothing, and their skin is extremely pale. But if tanning acts as a protector (“Sunny Solution: Lotion speeds DNA repair, protects mice from skin cancer,” SN: 3/6/04, p. 147: Sunny Solution: Lotion speeds DNA repair, protects mice from […]

  7. Earth

    Prenatal exposures affect sperm later

    Boys exposed in the womb to hormone-mimicking pollutants may mature into men who produce impaired sperm.

  8. Earth

    Toxic color TVs and computer monitors

    High concentrations of lead can leach from the X-ray-filtering glass used in picture tubes, suggesting that this glass should be treated as hazardous waste.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Firms vie to treat genetic disease

    Successful treatment of Fabry's disease—a rare, fatal genetic condition—prompts a law suit.

  10. Milked enzyme thwarts muscle disorder

    Using an enzyme made in rabbit's milk, scientists have successfully treated a rare genetic disorder.

  11. Planetary Science

    New moons for Saturn

    Astronomers reported the discovery of four new moons orbiting Saturn.

  12. Planetary Science

    Threat to Titan mission deepens

    If a communications problem between the Huygens probe and its mother craft is not corrected, as much as two-thirds of the data gathered by the probe during its 2004 descent through Titan's atmosphere could be lost.
