
  1. Chemistry

    Strange brew brings inorganic chemicals to life

    A mixture of inorganic chemicals spontaneously forms cell-like structures that behave like tiny chemical reactors.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Estrogen loss induces lung disease in mice

    Estrogen loss hampers lung function in mice by sabotaging the alveoli, the tiny sacs that deliver oxygen-rich air to the bloodstream.

  3. Astronomy

    Live! Venus’ transit on the Web

    On June 8, astronomers in Europe plan to Webcast observations of the transit of Venus, the first time the planet has passed across the face of the sun as seen from Earth in 122 years.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Folate enrichment pays baby dividends

    The federally mandated fortification of grain-based foods with folic acid has led to a 25 percent drop in the rate of potentially life-threatening neural tube birth defects.

  5. Worm life span set by chromosome tips

    For worms, longer chromosome tips mean longer lives.

  6. Earth

    Global Vineyard

    Recognizing that continued climate change may leave some renowned grape-growing regions too hot or too dry to support vineyards, growers may turn to new technology and techniques to produce consistently better fruit.

  7. Anthropology

    Out on a Limb

    The science of body development may make kindling out of evolutionary trees.

  8. Math

    A Measure of Beauty

    In the 1930s, mathematician G.D. Birkhoff proposed a formula for computing aesthetic value.

  9. Humans

    From the May 19, 1934, issue

    Preparing for a stratospheric ascent, the great dust storm of 1934, and the invention of the electron microscope.

  10. Chemistry

    Home Experiments

    Collapsing a soft drink can, fireproofing a balloon, creating cool light, and bending water are among the activities offered by Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, a chemistry professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His Web pages provide instructions for performing these and other experiments at home. Go to: http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/homeexpts/HOMEEXPTS.HTML.

  11. Humans

    Young Talent on Display: Tomorrow’s scientists and engineers win recognition, rewards

    The three top winners of the 2004 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair hail from high schools on different continents.

  12. Earth

    A Portrait of Pollution: Nation’s fresh water gets a checkup

    Virtually all of America's fresh water is tainted with low concentrations of chemical contaminants, according to a new nationwide study.
