
  1. Health & Medicine

    Green tea takes on poison

    Green tea contains a broad range of compounds that detoxify dioxin.

  2. Tech

    Microwave mirror hits the spot

    A technique for rebounding and refocusing sound also works for electromagnetic waves, possibly opening new uses ranging from improving cell phone communication to treating illness.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Americans eat faster, and more

    More and more people are eating at fast-food restaurants, and they down significantly more calories on the days they do.

  4. Chemistry

    Crystal could generate pure hydrogen fuel

    An organic crystal's unusual molecular-trapping behavior could help drive a new hydrogen economy.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Statins might fight multiple sclerosis

    Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs might work against multiple sclerosis by reducing inflammation, preliminary evidence suggests.

  6. 19430

    In the article, an agronomist claims that farmers “typically apply more fertilizer than their crops need” as an explanation for increased pollution in coastal waters. I don’t know any farmers who risk their products in the way suggested here. An examination of home lawn care would point to a much bigger problem. Mary HeinrichtCulpepper, Va. […]

  7. Earth

    Limiting Dead Zones

    To limit algal blooms and the development of fishless dead zones in coastal waters, farmers and other sources of nitrate are investigating novel strategies to control nitrate runoff.

  8. Math

    Theorems for Sale

    In April, an eBay auction offered math enthusiasts the rare opportunity of linking their names with one of the most famous mathematicians of the 20th century.

  9. Humans

    From the June 2, 1934, issue

    The first chimpanzee twins born in captivity, increased speed and safety for aircraft, and a new pH indicator.

  10. Math

    Priming Upward

    A singular effort has turned up what is now the largest known prime number.

  11. Astronomy

    Transit of Venus

    On June 8, Venus will pass across the face of the sun (as viewed from Earth). Such a transit occurs rarely; the last one was in 1882. A variety of Web sites feature information about these transits and offer advice for observing and timing the 2004 event. Go to: http://www.venustransit.ie/ and http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/sunearthday/2004/index_vthome.htm

  12. Got Milk? Dairy protein provides bone-forming boost

    A protein in milk stimulates bone-forming cells.
