
  1. Humans

    From the June 16, 1934, issue

    Fanciful creations of the photographer's art, the possible addition of element 93 to the periodic table, and a Triceratops skull on display.

  2. Backyard Nature

    Naturalist Jim Conrad has created a friendly, nicely illustrated introduction to studying nature, starting in your own backyard. The Web site features information on plants, animals, and fungi that might thrive in a backyard. It also provides basic information on ecology, geology, naming and classifying living things, and other topics. Look for the list of […]

  3. Paleontology

    Fossil Fingerprints: Rare earths tie bones to burial ground

    The soil in which fossilization occurs leaves a chemical imprint on the bones, suggesting that scientists can use this soil signature to identify more precisely a fossil's original home.

  4. Bubble Trouble: Mad cow proteins may hitch a ride between cells

    Prions, the proteins behind mad cow disease, may travel between cells in bubbles called exosomes.

  5. Tuning Up Young Minds: Music lessons give kids a small IQ advantage

    Regular music lessons, focused either on learning to play an instrument or to sing, result in small but statistically significant IQ gains for first graders by the end of the school year, a new study finds.

  6. Animals

    A tale of new whiskers

    A newly discovered, featherweight tree mouse with an unexpected evolutionary past has survived widespread habitat destruction on the Philippine island of Luzon.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Better Form, Same Function: Liposuction doesn’t lessen health risks

    Liposuction doesn't improve the long-term health prospects of very obese people.

  8. Earth

    Blueberry Hills: Utah nodules resemble some found on Mars

    Analyses of small iron oxide nodules found within certain sandstones of the U.S. Southwest could shed light on how similar spherules may have formed on Mars.

  9. Planetary Science

    Portrait of Phoebe: Cassini images a large Saturn moon

    The Saturn-bound Cassini spacecraft took the first close-up images ever recorded of one of Saturn's oddest moons, Phoebe.

  10. Physics

    Teleporting Matter’s Traits: Beaming information quantum-style

    Physicists have transferred a quantum state from one atom to another by manipulating a mysterious, atom-to-atom quantum link called entanglement.

  11. Humans

    Letters from the June 19, 2004, issue of Science News

    Scan or scam? Using laser technology that has an apparent resolution of only about half a centimeter is somewhat laughable (“Laser scanners map rock art,” SN: 4/3/04, p. 222: Laser scanners map rock art). I also wondered whether the “fresh coat of desert varnish” was an April fool joke. Actually, I really look forward to […]

  12. Health & Medicine

    Blocking an enzyme combats disease

    By blocking an enzyme that breaks down a beneficial compound in the body, researchers are able to help diabetes patients control their blood sugar.
