
  1. Clearing Up Blurry Vision: Scientists gaze toward causes of myopia

    Scientists are beginning to unravel the genetic mechanism that causes nearsightedness.

  2. Archaeology

    Mexican murals store magnetic data

    Tiny magnetic particles in the pigments of some Mexican murals recorded the direction of Earth's magnetic field when the paint dried.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Protective enzyme has a downside: Asthma

    The abnormal production of a parasite-fighting enzyme contributes to asthma.

  4. Watching the biological clock

    Biologists now have a way to predict when a woman will start menopause.

  5. Archaeology

    Rat DNA points to Pacific migrations

    An analysis of mitochondrial DNA from Pacific rats supports a theory that ancestors of today's Polynesians migrated from Southeast Asia to a string of South Pacific islands in at least two separate dispersals.

  6. Earth

    Warmer climate, decreased rice yield

    Agricultural data gathered over a dozen years at a Philippines rice paddy suggest that climate changes brought about by global warming could significantly diminish rice yields.

  7. Materials Science

    DNA coordinates assembly of glassy nanoscale structures

    Chemists use DNA as a scaffold to construct miniature rings and rods out of silica.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Caloric threats from sugarfree drinks?

    Regularly downing sweet drinks or sugar substitutes may foster overeating by reprogramming an individual's ability to judge a snack's caloric impact.

  9. Astronomy

    Controlling the speed of solar eruptions

    The billion-ton blobs of magnetized gas that the sun sporadically hurls into space can't reach Earth in less than half a day.

  10. Dying before Their Time

    Genetically engineered mice that get prematurely old give hints to the causes of aging.

  11. 19437

    The teardrop shape of Venus away from the centermost part of the sun simply is caused by the photographic surface being planar, rather than spherical. The image can never be represented without distortion for the same reason that the globe can’t be represented without distortion on a flat map. Robert P. Kelso San Marcos, Texas […]

  12. Astronomy

    Heavenly Passage

    On June 8, the black dot of Venus passed across the face of the sun, the first time it did so in 122 years.
