
  1. Astronomy

    Explosive News: Telescopes find signs of gentler gamma-ray bursts

    Astronomers appear to have discovered an unexpected population of low-energy gamma-ray bursts, and they could be 10 times more numerous than previously-known higher-energy bursts.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Stopping Alzheimer’s: Antibody thwarts disease in mice

    Antibodies against amyloid protein, which gums up the brains of Alzheimer's patients, reverse a form of the disease in mice.

  3. Earth

    Twin satellites track water’s rise and fall

    A pair of satellites launched in 2002 has detected small, regional changes in Earth's gravitational field that are caused by seasonal variations in rainfall and soil moisture.

  4. 19451

    Speaking as someone with a Ph.D. in math who has spent most of his 30-year professional life unemployed and who can probably look forward to spending the rest of it unemployable, I was disappointed that this article made no apparent effort to find points of view other than the researchers’. Allan AdlerNew York, N.Y. People […]

  5. Humans

    Where Ph.D.s pay off

    Salaries for full-time scientists and engineers in the United States have generally outpaced inflation, but academic researchers tend to earn substantially less than their counterparts in industry and government.

  6. Animals

    Whys Guy

    Interested in seeing an exploding watermelon, using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream, or knowing why a hurricane spins? Physicist Mats Selen of the University of Illinois has appeared regularly on a local morning TV program to demonstrate a wide variety of physical and chemical phenomena. View video clips of these entertaining presentations. Requires Windows […]

  7. Materials Science

    Charging gold with a single electron

    Dropping a single electron onto a gold atom with a scanning tunneling microscope converts gold from its neutral state to an ionic state.

  8. Tech

    Quantum dots light up cancer cells in mice

    Brightly fluorescent crystals known as quantum dots have the potential to seek out cancerous cells in the body, a trick that could lead to highly precise cancer screening.

  9. Humans

    Title IX: Women are catching up, but . . .

    Though a federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in academic settings has fostered women's participation in science, they still lag behind men in salaries and research opportunities.

  10. Astronomy

    Young star’s glow suggests planet find

    The X-ray outburst of a young, sunlike star might provide new insights about planet formation.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Computers read mammograms to detect breast cancer

    Mammogram–scanning computers can help radiologists detect breast cancers that would otherwise escape diagnosis.

  12. Planetary Science

    A little bit of Mars on Earth

    Scouring an ice field in Antarctica, scientists have made the latest discovery of a chunk of rock that was blasted from Mars and fell to Earth.
