
  1. Math

    Math Olympiad in Athens

    A team from the United States placed second in this year's International Mathematical Olympiad.

  2. Humans

    From the August 11, 1934, issue

    Ruins of magnificent Assyrian palace uncovered, termites need fungus to thrive, and Homo sapiens thought to be 10 million years old.

  3. Math

    Women in Mathematics

    From Maria Gaetana Agnesi to Lai-Sang Young, these Web pages provide biographies of prominent women in mathematics. Prepared by students at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, the biographical essays describe the achievements of women in a variety of mathematical fields. Some essays include portraits and other illustrations. Go to: http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/Women.htm

  4. Materials Science

    Savvy Sieve: Carbon nanotubes filter petroleum, polluted water

    A filter made out of carbon nanotubes has potential for such applications as processing crude oil and decontaminating drinking water.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Joint Effort: Bacteria in yogurt combat arthritis in rats

    Yogurt containing certain types of live bacteria may help prevent or treat arthritis.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Curbing Allergy to Insect Venom: Therapy stops reactions to stings years later

    Some children don't outgrow an allergy to insect stings, but immunizations against such allergies can protect them into adulthood.

  7. Astronomy

    One of Hubble’s Tools Fails: Observatory loses a sharp ultraviolet eye

    With the failure last week of an instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have lost their only sharp ultraviolet eye on the universe.

  8. Earth

    Protecting Baby: Calcium in pregnancy reduces lead exposure

    By taking calcium supplements during pregnancy, a mother can significantly reduce the lead exposure of her fetus.

  9. Glowing Trio under the Sea: Nitrogen fixer joins algae inside coral

    A coral that fluoresces orange appears to be the first ever found to contain a symbiotic microbe that converts nitrogen into a biologically useful form.

  10. 19453

    I wonder if the growth rings appearing in dinosaur bones are analogous to those of trees, which are determined by the annual climatic cycle. Is it possible that the dinosaur rings were created on a different time cycle? James HendryFlorissant, Mo. Researchers say that they haven’t come up with another type of cycle that seems […]

  11. Paleontology

    Growth Spurt: Teenage tyrannosaurs packed on the pounds

    Detailed analyses of tyrannosaur fossils suggest that the creatures experienced an extended growth spurt during adolescence.

  12. Plants

    Lowering lilies on the tree of life

    Water lilies may belong on the lowest branch of the family tree of flowering plants, along with a shrub called Amborella.
