
  1. Astronomy

    Super Portrait: X-ray telescope eyes supernova remnant

    Trained on Cassiopeia A for 11.5 days, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has taken the most detailed portrait ever recorded of any supernova remnant.

  2. Earth

    Rounding Up Resistance: Weed sacrifices seeds to put up with a herbicide

    Use of herbicides containing glyphosate can drive evolution in the tall morning glory, even though the weed must simultaneously sacrifice a measure of its fertility.

  3. Materials Science

    Face to Face: Crystal-growth method bodes electric payoff

    A new method for growing silicon carbide eliminates crystal defects that have long prevented the compound's wider use in electric devices.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin may guard against mental decline

    The B vitamin niacin may protect people against Alzheimer's disease and other forms of mental decline.

  5. Brain protein peps up and soothes rodents

    A recently identified brain hormone increases wakefulness and appears to suppress fear when it's injected into rodents.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Bright nights kindle cancers in mice

    Data from mice subjected to constant illumination suggest that artificial light may increase risks of lung and liver cancers and leukemia.

  7. Animals

    Policing egg laying in insect colonies

    Kinship by itself can't explain the vigilante justice of some ant, bee, and wasp workers.

  8. Planetary Science

    Martian ice could be sculpting surface patterns

    Images taken by the Mars Global Surveyor suggest that most areas with geological features known as patterned ground appear at high latitudes.

  9. Some corals like it hotter

    The heat-tolerant algae that live symbiotically within some corals may enable their hosts to adapt to the warmer water temperatures projected to accompany long-term climate change.

  10. Animals

    How dingoes got down under

    DNA analysis suggests that Australia got its famous dingoes from a very few dogs brought along with people fanning out from East Asia some 5,000 years ago.

  11. Tech

    A new deep-sea submersible

    Scientists have announced a 4-year, $21.6-million design-and-construction effort to replace the aging research submersible Alvin.

  12. Plants

    Smokey the Gardener

    Wildfire smoke by itself, without help from heat, can trigger germination in certain seeds, but just what the vital compound in that smoke might be has kept biologists busy for years.
