
  1. Cancer Flip-Flop: Gene acts in both proliferation and control of growth

    Scientists have identified what might be a new class of cancer-controlling genes that alternates between halting and promoting cancer.

  2. Cultured Readers: Chinese kids show new neural side of dyslexia

    Brain disturbances that underlie the inability to read a non-alphabetic script, such as Chinese, differ from those already implicated in the impaired reading of alphabetic systems, such as English.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Alzheimer’s Advance: Omega-3 fatty acid benefits mice

    A diet that includes a key omega-3 fatty acid found in fish prevents some memory loss in mice that develop a disease resembling Alzheimer's.

  4. Tech

    Electrifying Toxic Cleanup: Electrodes could stimulate removal of radioactive waste

    Researchers have devised a bioremediation system that electrically stimulates bacteria to break down toxic chemicals in the environment.

  5. Astronomy

    Rocky Road: Planet hunting gets closer to Earth

    Astronomers have discovered the three lightest planets known outside the solar system, moving researchers closer to the goal of finding extrasolar planets that resemble Earth.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the September 4, 2004, issue of Science News

    Funny pages Horvath and Toffel’s comparison of the environmental impacts of the paper versus the electronic editions of the New York Times is a bit misleading (“Newspaper’s Footprint: Environmental toll of all the news that’s fit to print,” SN: 6/12/04, p. 374: Newspaper’s Footprint: Environmental toll of all the news that’s fit to print). A […]

  7. Animals

    Mom bears more sons when she gets extra bouquets

    When researchers spiff up a male starling's courtship by delivering some extra bouquets to his mate on his behalf, the couple tends to produce more sons than usual.

  8. A call to arms aids recovery of sight

    A man was able to recover some of the sight he lost as a result of brain damage simply by reaching out toward objects near his body, researchers say.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Pathogenic partners prompt pneumonia

    A study of infants has shown that bacterial and viral pathogens may act together in causing pneumonia, a finding that could affect treatment options.

  10. Babies’ sound path to language skills

    A test of early speech perception shows promise as a way to identify 6-month-olds headed for language difficulties as toddlers.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Mexican Americans face stroke risk

    Middle-aged Mexican Americans face twice the stroke risk that non-Hispanic whites do.

  12. Tech

    Helping circuits get enough oxygen

    The search for new insulators needed for making ever-smaller circuits may get a boost from a new electron microscopy technique sensitive to a single oxygen atom missing from a crystal layer.
