
  1. Anthropology

    Human ancestor gets leg up on walking

    A new analysis of a 6-million-year-old leg fossil from a member of the human evolutionary family indicates that this individual walked upright with nearly the same deftness as people today do.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Liver transplants succeed in many hepatitis C patients

    People who receive liver transplants for hepatitis C infections fare about as well as people getting such transplants for other diseases.

  3. Astronomy

    Beryllium data confirm stars’ age

    Measuring trace amounts of beryllium in two elderly stars, astronomers have found additional evidence that the first stars in the universe formed less than 200 million years after the Big Bang.

  4. The woman who lost her capacity to dream

    A rare instance in which brain damage caused a woman to lose the ability to dream may help scientists understand the neural basis of dreaming.

  5. Physics

    Extreme Impersonations

    By creating tiny clouds of remarkable new kinds of ultracold gases, physicists are, in essence, bringing to their lab benches chunks of some of the most extraordinary and hard-to-study matter in the universe.

  6. Anthropology

    In the Neandertal Mind

    Neandertals possessed much the same mental capacity as ancient people did, but a genetically inspired memory boost toward the end of the Stone Age may have allowed Homo sapiens to prosper while Neandertals died out.

  7. Math

    Flight of the Bumblebee

    The notion that scientists proved bumblebees can't fly has a long legacy.

  8. Humans

    From the September 8, 1934, issue

    Ditches on the moon's surface, 12,000-year-old bones and dart points, and nature as waves of knowledge in the mind.

  9. Planetary Science

    Exploring Mars

    Here’s your chance to help NASA explore the surface of Mars. At its Marsoweb site, the agency provides detailed maps, engineering data, and interactive tools for studying the Red Planet’s alien terrain. Visitors are invited to look for and report important geologic features that haven’t yet been catalogued or even viewed by researchers. Go to: […]

  10. 19459

    There is an error in this article. These Cassini results are based on thermal-infrared, not near-infrared data. The measurements were taken by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer and covered the spectral range from 100 to 450 inverse centimeters (100 to 22 micrometers). John PearlGreenbelt, Md. The Cassini craft also looks at near-infrared wavelengths, but not in […]

  11. Planetary Science

    A really cool map

    A new infrared image of Saturn's rings provides the most detailed temperature map ever taken of these icy particles.

  12. Animals

    Super Bird: Cooing doves flex extra-fast muscles

    Muscles that control a dove's cooing belong to the fastest class of muscles known.
