
  1. Health & Medicine

    Coffee’s curious heart effects

    Very high or low daily consumption of coffee appears to pose far more of a heart risk than drinking moderately.

  2. Physics

    Marrying matter and light

    Physicists have created circuit components that, in a manner analogous to atoms, meld with light, opening new ways to study fundamental light-matter interactions.

  3. The tree of life, with tangled roots

    Two ancient, rudimentary organisms merged to create the first complex cell, new data suggest.

  4. Schizophrenia takes fatal turn in China

    Suicides among people with schizophrenia are a major public-health concern in China.

  5. Anthropology

    Ancient head case

    A 1.8-million-year-old Homo erectus skullcap came from a 1-year-old child whose brain grew at a rate more like that of chimpanzees than of people.

  6. 19464

    I was pleased to read that one of the most mathematically pretty sphere-stacking arrangements (the lovely 24-cell) occurs in four dimensions. The nice thing about four dimensions is that, by letting time be one dimension and using a good three-dimensional computer-graphics package, the arrangement can be viewed on a computer. Dan RyanPhiladelphia, Pa.

  7. Math


    Mathematicians have found that it's easier to pack spheres in some dimensions than it is in others.

  8. 19463

    Surely, you mean ale. Beer, in this country at least, is a hopped drink. Evidence of ale brewing is what Robin Birley found at Vindolanda. Beer didn’t appear in England until the late Middle Ages. Ron WilcoxBath, England

  9. Archaeology

    Original Microbrews

    Pots, vats, and other artifacts unearthed on three continents are giving archaeologists new clues about ancient cultures' beer-brewing practices.

  10. Math

    Euler’s Sums of Powers

    Investigating sums of powers has a long history, going back to Fermat and Euler.

  11. Humans

    From the September 22, 1934, issue

    Giant ocean liner ready for launch, synthetic vitamin C produces unexpected cures, and systematic problem solving in chimpanzees.

  12. Humans

    Quick Flicks

    The BrainPOP Web site boasts more than 200 animated movies with accompanying comics and activities that answer students’ questions about science, math, health, and technology. A host of characters explains tough concepts in an interesting and humorous way. Unfortunately, visitors to the site can view only two movies per day for free. A subscription to […]
