
  1. Physics

    Hurrying a nuclear identity switch

    Radioactive beryllium-7 atoms locked inside molecular cages decay extraordinarily quickly.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Turmeric component kills cancer cells

    Curcumin, the component of turmeric that makes the spice yellow, shows anticancer effects in lab-dish tests and in experiments on mice.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Fighting cholesterol with saturated fat?

    Marrying a saturated fat to the plant-derived ingredient in certain health-promoting margarines creates an especially potent cholesterol-lowering food additive.

  4. 19468

    This article mentions that the traffic volume was reduced following the attacks, yet fails to mention another likely factor in the increased deaths: Less traffic usually results in higher average speeds. Del DietrichSan Jose, Calif.

  5. Car deaths rise days after terror attacks

    A spike in automobile fatalities in Israel 3 days after each of a recent series of terrorist attacks reflects a delayed, population-wide reaction to those violent incidents, two researchers propose.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Adopted protein might be MS culprit

    A protein called syncytin might play a role in causing degradation of the fatty myelin sheath that insulates nerves, damage that leads to multiple sclerosis.

  7. Astronomy

    More space sugar

    Astronomers have found a second, colder source of the simple sugar glycoaldehyde in a dust and gas cloud 26,000 light-years from Earth.

  8. They’re Sequencing a What?

    Announcements of new targets for genome sequencing are bringing celebrity to lesser-known twigs on the tree of life.

  9. 19467

    I found both your articles on vitamin D very interesting. My question now is whether the rays received in a tanning bed can cause the skin to manufacture vitamin D. Wendy WadeKalamazoo, Mich. Ultraviolet–B radiation triggers the skin to produce vitamin D, whether those rays come from the sun or a lamp. However, not all […]

  10. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin Boost

    Vitamin D is being linked to a host of health benefits that go well beyond stronger bones, extending to muscle preservation and some protection against cancer, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.

  11. Math

    Proof by Computer

    Using computers to help prove theorems raises question about checking proofs.

  12. Humans

    Letters from the October 2, 2004, issue of Science News

    On a diet While heart disease victim Jody Gorran’s lawsuit against the Atkins empire will be decided in court (“Counting Carbs,” SN: 7/17/04, p. 40: Counting Carbs), the deadlier battle is being waged in the research laboratory. Several studies confirm that low-carbohydrate diets cause marked cholesterol elevations for many individuals. In contrast, a vegetarian diet […]
