
  1. Oxygen deficit linked to ADHD

    Sleep apnea may be a risk factor for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Drug abuse could be an occupational hazard

    Breathing minuscule amounts of painkillers administered to patients in surgery may increase an anesthesiologist's risk of abusing prescription drugs.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Acne drug affects brain function

    The antiacne drug Accutane may decrease activity in a part of the brain that regulates mood.

  4. 19477

    The researchers featured in this article suggest that a higher incidence of schizophrenia may be due to summer-related infections “or other seasonal factors.” June and July births would have been in early gestation during late fall and winter, when there is increased incidence of depression among adults. Might it be reasonable to suggest that “other […]

  5. Summer births linked to schizophrenia

    People who develop a severe form of schizophrenia are strikingly likely to have been born in June or July, raising the possibility that seasonal influences on early brain development contribute to this disorder.

  6. Brain-based help for adults with dyslexia

    Intensive phonics instruction for adults with dyslexia yields brain changes that underlie their improved reading ability.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Malaria vaccine shows promise in Mozambique

    An experimental malaria vaccine tested on children in Mozambique provides some protection against the potentially life-threatening disease.

  8. Paleontology

    Irish elk survived after ice age ended

    New fossil finds indicate that the so-called Irish elk, previously thought to have died out at the end of the last ice age, survived in some spots for several millennia more.

  9. Materials Science

    Metal Makeover

    Metallic glasses with extraordinary strength and corrosion resistance have been known for decades, but only recently have researchers been able to make such alloys on a large scale from inexpensive iron.

  10. Animals

    Hide and See

    A new look at fish on coral reefs considers the possibility that all that riotous color has its inconspicuous side.

  11. Humans

    Letters from the October 30, 2004, issue of Science News

    It isn’t academic Speaking as someone with a Ph.D. in math who has spent most of his 30-year professional life unemployed and who can probably look forward to spending the rest of it unemployable, I was disappointed that “Where Ph.D.s pay off” in (SN: 8/7/04, p. 94: Where Ph.D.s pay off) made no apparent effort […]

  12. Humans

    From the October 27, 1934, issue

    A large telescope lens made in Russia, artificial gamma rays from sodium, and acetylcholine revealed as message carrier for nerve cells.
