
  1. Animals

    Elephant Voices

    Elephants are highly social animals and have a well-developed method of communicating with each other. For nearly 30 years, scientists at a national park in Kenya have been studying elephants and their behavior. The researchers have found that these intelligent beasts use more than 70 kinds of vocal sounds and 160 different visual and tactile […]

  2. Earth

    DDT linked to miscarriages

    A study of Chinese women finds that the pesticide DDT can not only affect menstrual cycles but also foster miscarriages very early in pregnancy.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Uranium, the newest ‘hormone’

    Animal experiments indicate that waterborne uranium can mimic the activity of estrogen, a female sex hormone.

  4. Earth

    Can phthalates subtly alter boys?

    Researchers have linked a mom's exposure to phthalates with a genital marker in boys suggesting a subtle feminization of their reproductive organs.

  5. 19481

    This article seems to confuse triggers with long-term contributing factors. Traffic might just cause small peaks in stress that trigger only heart attacks that would have otherwise happened days later. To recommend staying out of traffic, research would need to show that people regularly in traffic are more likely to have heart attacks or have […]

  6. Health & Medicine

    Heavy traffic may trigger heart attacks

    Exposure to traffic can dramatically increase a person's risk of having a heart attack soon afterward.

  7. Planetary Science

    Riddles on Titan

    Two puzzles have emerged from the Cassini spacecraft's first close flyby of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

  8. Physics

    Particle hunt off, collider comes down

    Despite tantalizing, last-minute hints of a long-sought, mass-giving particle called the Higgs boson, dismantling of the Large Electron-Positron collider has begun.

  9. Physics

    Hot little levers write beaucoup bits

    Arrays of microscopic tips may offer a way to pack digital data more tightly and transfer it more quickly than is possible with magnetic hard disks.

  10. Physics

    Light step toward quantum networks

    During the transfer of a quantum data bit from matter to light, a cloud of extremely cold atoms emitted a photon carrying a version of the cloud's quantum state.

  11. Agriculture

    Frozen Assets

    A U.S. gene bank has begun deep-freezing semen and other livestock 'seed' for possible future use in research or breeding.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Assault on Autism

    A shift in scientific thinking about what causes autism is prompting a closer look at potential environmental factors.
