
  1. Chemistry

    Busy Beads: Magnetic dust takes droplets for a ride

    With a bit of dust and a magnet, chemists can shuttle drops around on a surface, an advance that could lead to chemistry labs on a chip.

  2. 19483

    In this article, you report on a study in which it was found that female monkeys raised in a stressful situation drink alcohol to excess only if they possess just the short serotonin-transporter gene. If a positive correlation were to be found in abusers of drugs and alcohol and the presence of two copies of […]

  3. Profiles in Melancholy, Resilience: Abused kids react to genetics, adult support

    Abused and neglected children who possess two copies of a gene that affects brain chemistry develop depression at an elevated rate only if they also lack support from at least one adult.

  4. Materials Science

    New lithium battery design charges up

    Researchers have developed a new, safer type of electrode for lithium batteries.

  5. Materials Science

    A hard new material with a soft touch

    Adding exotic substances called quasicrystals to polymers creates nonabrasive hard materials, which could soon serve as coatings in machine parts.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Trials affirm value of drug

    The drug STI-571, previously shown to work against chronic myelogenous leukemia, also helps patients who have slipped into an acute, highly lethal form of this cancer.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Old and new drugs may fight myeloma

    In some people with a bone marrow cancer called multiple myeloma, treatment with thalidomide or PS-341, which induces programmed cell death, may improve their chances of survival.

  8. Materials Science

    Nanotubes: Knot just for miniature work

    A new technique can spin individual nanotubes into durable ribbons and threads visible to the naked eye.

  9. Materials Science

    Nanotubes get as small as they can

    Two research teams have created stable carbon nanotubes with the smallest diameter that scientists believe is physically possible, at just 0.4 nanometer across.

  10. Earth

    Can Banking Carbon Cool the Greenhouse?

    Stockpiling carbon dioxide in plants and soil may be effective only for the short term, if at all.

  11. Humans

    Genes on Display

    DNA becomes part of the artist's palette.

  12. Mutated gene doubles fruit fly’s life span

    The product of the Indy gene resembles transport proteins in mammals that enable intestinal and kidney cells to take in metabolites to produce energy.
