
  1. Paleontology

    Flightless Feathered Friends

    New finds of fossil penguins, as well as analyses of the characteristics and DNA of living penguins, are shedding light on the evolution of these flightless birds.

  2. 19484

    The study in this article is missing the boat. They should use families that have eliminated asthma triggers without medications. In our safe, chemical-free home, we have been able to protect our health. Avoiding asthma triggers has resulted in one son being cured of asthma and my other son and I being under control with […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Asthma Counterattack

    After several experimental attempts, researchers finally have verified that fighting allergens in the household can reduce symptoms of asthma.

  4. Math

    Cruise Control and Traffic Flow

    Adaptive cruise control can help smooth out traffic flow.

  5. Humans

    Letters from the November 20, 2004, issue of Science News

    When Earth got gas Considering the controversy that Thomas Gold engendered when he first postulated abiogenic origins of earthly hydrocarbons, it’s odd you didn’t mention his name, in “Deep Squeeze: Experiments point to methane in Earth’s mantle” (SN: 9/25/04, p. 198: Deep Squeeze: Experiments point to methane in Earth’s mantle). Edgar T. LynkNiskayuna, N.Y. Although […]

  6. Humans

    From the November 17, 1934, issue

    Exploring Easter Island, warm air at high altitudes, and pulsating stars.

  7. Physics

    CERN at 50

    This year, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) celebrates its 50th anniversary with a variety of special events. CERN’s Web pages commemorating the anniversary include a timeline showing historical milestones in the development of the laboratory, archival photos, and other materials. Go to: http://www.cern.ch/CERN50/

  8. Astronomy

    Belt Tightening: Icy orbs are surprisingly small

    Objects in the distant reservoir of comets known as the Kuiper belt are intrinsically much brighter, and therefore smaller, than previously thought.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Lingering Loss: In 2-year diet trial, new pill keeps off weight

    Obese adults who lose weight during a year of taking an experimental diet drug, rimonabant, and dieting keep the weight off during the following year, if they continue the regimen.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Problems for Preemies: Early birth is linked to insulin overproduction

    Children born prematurely are more likely than their full-term counterparts to develop insulin resistance, a marker for diabetes.

  11. Unhealthy Change: Diversity in a bacterial colony can prolong infections

    Bacteria that live in biofilms can diversify into several different types, making infections harder to treat.

  12. Tech

    Lighthearted Transistor: Electronic workhorse moonlights as laser

    A versatile new transistor amplifies electricity and emits a laser beam.
