
  1. Anthropology

    Temples of Boom: Ancient Hawaiians took fast road to statehood

    A boom in temple construction on two Hawaiian islands around 400 years ago marked the surprisingly rapid formation of an early political state.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Beat Generation: Genetically modified stem cells repair heart

    Tissue engineers have for the first time used genetically modified human stem cells to repair damaged hearts in guinea pigs.

  3. 19499

    Your article has a graphic that appears to show an area that lifted by up to 5 meters and a vaguely equal area that was depressed by up to 2 m. This suggests an average increase in the distance of mass from the center of Earth. Yet a researcher claims that Earth’s rotation time has […]

  4. Earth

    Tsunami Disaster: Scientists model the big quake and its consequences

    Scientists are modeling the immediate and long-term effects of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that struck west of Indonesia the morning of Dec. 26, 2004, and triggered tsunamis that killed tens of thousands of people.

  5. Astronomy

    Ring robber

    Images taken by the Cassini spacecraft provide graphic evidence of Saturn's moon Prometheus stealing particles from the planet's narrow F ring.

  6. 19498

    I wonder if the upsurge in alien, invasive species in real estate boom areas is, at least in part, because of careless gardening. Many people introduce non-native plants into their landscape without regard to the potential for domination of these pretty plants over native species. Carol SenskeGreen Lane, Pa.

  7. Plants: Importance of being economic

    The pulse of the real estate market in a given area turns out to be a powerful indicator of how many exotic plant species have invaded the neighborhood.

  8. Astronomy

    A dwarf with a disk

    The Hubble Space Telescope has examined in unprecedented detail a ring of debris around a star that could be the nearest and youngest known home for planets outside the solar system.

  9. Earth

    Ocean-sensor project reaches milestone

    Oceanographers seeking to deploy an armada of 3,000 robotic probes to take the pulse of Earth's oceans have passed the halfway mark and hope to have the full array of sensors in place by 2007.

  10. Humans

    Helping patients decipher options

    Scientific publishers and research organizations are preparing to launch a Web site that will make new research findings available to the public in an easy-to-understand context.

  11. Physics

    Probe bares heart of X-ray inferno

    Physicists have snapped the first real-time pictures of the exploding core of the world's most powerful X-ray source other than a nuclear bomb.

  12. 19497

    I envision a beautifully colorful potato salad utilizing multiple colors of potatoes. But would a cooked mixture be like carrots with potatoes (minimal bleed) or like beets with anything else (maximum bleed)? Lorraine BauderSudbury, Mass. The red and blue pigments in the new potato lines are “water soluble and will leach,” notes USDA’s Charles R. […]
