
  1. Physics

    Putting a new spin on silicon

    Embedding ions of manganese in silicon imparts a magnetic field to the otherwise nonmagnetic semiconductor.

  2. Earth

    Of X rays, viruses, and cooked meat

    The National Toxicology Program updated its list of human carcinogens to include X rays and several viruses and added lead and some compounds formed in overcooked meats to its list of probable human carcinogens.

  3. Agriculture

    Illegal cigarettes pack toxic punch

    Tobacco used in counterfeit cigarettes is apparently grown using metal-laced fertilizers, making the fake products even more harmful than the real things.

  4. Astronomy

    Proton storm erupts from the sun

    A storm of high-speed protons, triggered by a Jan. 20 solar eruption, bombarded spacecraft and was the most energetic such squall recorded in 15 years.

  5. Anxieties stoke bipolar unrest

    Insomnia and other serious sleep difficulties plague many people with bipolar disorder, even after medications have eased their extreme mood swings.

  6. Humans

    NIH tightens its ethics rules

    The National Institutes of Health issued new ethics rules to keep its employees from engaging in potentially questionable relationships with organizations that might have a financial interest in NIH activities or policies.

  7. Math

    Life on the Scales

    A mathematical equation helps explain life processes on all biological scales, from molecules to ecosystems.

  8. 19512

    Your article reminded me that taking a bird’s song and transposing it down four octaves makes it sound like a whale’s song. The opposite is also true. To hear this, go to http://www.mind.net/music/birdwhaleDemo.mp3. Todd BartonAshland, Ore. The article would imply that the only anomaly to the theory that mass equates to longevity is that large-dog […]

  9. Chemistry

    Chemistry au Naturel

    Chemists aim to mimic natural systems with the hope of developing more-efficient chemical processes that are also less harmful to the environment.

  10. Math

    Knot Divided in Snow

    The Möbius strip gets embedded in a knotty block of snow.

  11. Humans

    From the February 2, 1935, issue

    Crystal stalagmites from winter rain, evidence for early inhabitants in Texas, and a new transmission system for electric power.

  12. Tech

    Nanotech Facts

    The National Nanotechnology Initiative has a Web site devoted to “Nanotech Facts.” It provides an introduction to nanotechnology and a brief description of its many applications and potential societal implications. Go to: http://www.nano.gov/html/facts/home_facts.html
