
  1. Animals

    Oops! Grab That Trunk: High-diving ants swing back toward their tree

    Certain tree-dwelling ants can direct their descent well enough to veer toward tree trunks and climb back home.

  2. Earth

    Natural or Synthetic? Test reveals origin of chemicals in blubber

    Natural compounds that are chemically akin to certain industrial chemicals wend their way up marine food chains and accumulate in whale blubber.

  3. Paleontology

    Groovy Bones: Mammalian ear structure evolved more than once

    Fossils of an ancient egg-laying mammal indicate that the characteristic configuration of the bones in all living mammals' ears arose independently at least twice during the group's evolution.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Heartfelt Fear: Findings link stress and cardiac symptoms

    Emotional stress can lead to symptoms that mimic a heart attack, even in people without coronary artery blockages, possibly by causing an unusual secretion of hormones.

  5. 19515

    On reading about the interesting research on droplets in this article, I noticed that the two droplets shown in the photos at the moment of first contact have different shapes. In air at normal pressure, the droplet has the characteristic hamburger-bun shape. In contrast, the droplet at reduced pressure is spherical, or nearly so. Can […]

  6. Physics

    Dial-a-Splash: Thin air quells liquid splatter

    How much liquids splatter when drops hit surfaces depends on the surrounding air pressure.

  7. 19514

    The work relating differences in intelligence scores to the “honing of spatial sensibilities” in Chinese readers sounds worthy of continued study. J. Philippe Rushton’s studies, on the other hand, sound fallacious. His claim that Chinese children adopted by U.S. parents also tend to score higher ignores the fact that such families tend overwhelmingly to be […]

  8. Asian Kids’ IQ Lift: Reading system may boost Chinese scores

    A new study of Chinese and Greek kids suggests that a Chinese IQ advantage over Westerners stems from superior spatial abilities, possibly because the Chinese learn to read pictorial symbols that emphasize spatial perception.

  9. 19513

    Many years ago, I heard about one clever wind-energy–storage system. A fellow in Pennsylvania purchased a surplus railroad tank car and buried it on his farm. A nearby windmill-powered compressor pumped air into the tank, which could store an enormous amount of compressed air. The fellow used it to power air tools in his carpenter […]

  10. Earth

    Long-winded benefits

    Certain wind-energy systems that store excess energy for a time using compressed air can be as reliable as and far cleaner than conventional electric-generating plants.

  11. Astronomy

    Swift detection of a gamma-ray burst

    A telescope has for the first time detected X rays directly from an ongoing gamma-ray burst, the most powerful type of explosion in the universe.

  12. Materials Science

    Tiles stack for shell strength in abalone

    In abalone shells, microscopic tiles of calcium carbonate stack on top of each other in a highly ordered arrangement to create a superstrong material.
