
  1. Health & Medicine

    Ketone diet could help in Parkinson’s

    A strict low-carb diet long used to treat some people with epilepsy has been tailored so that it might fight Parkinson's disease.

  2. Earth

    PCBs damage fish immune systems

    A common Arctic fish can suffer subtle immunological impairments from exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls at concentrations recorded in some remote polar waters.

  3. Anthropology

    Human fossils are oldest yet

    Homo sapiens fossils found along Ethiopia's Omo River in 1967 date to 195,000 years ago, making them the oldest-known remains of our species.

  4. 19520

    Early in our history, U.S. citizens ate bushmeat. We hunted deer, bear, squirrel, rabbit, possum, turkey, pheasant, armadillo, and other wild game. We hunted because it was easier to hunt than to earn the money necessary to buy meat. We diminished our supply of wild game. Africans are simply doing what we used to do. […]

  5. Humans

    Bushmeat on the Menu

    Studies of the bushmeat trade reveal that such meat appeals to people who can't afford anything else and to prestige seekers who certainly can.

  6. Poisonous Partnership

    Tools from molecular biology are providing new insights into the viruses employed by parasitoid wasps to manipulate their caterpillar hosts.

  7. Math

    Super Bowl Crashes

    Should you stay off the road immediately after the Super Bowl telecast is over?

  8. Humans

    From the February 16, 1935, issue

    Saving wild ducks, deciphering Mayan glyphs, and causes of deafness.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Multiple Sclerosis

    This Web site is an excellent starting point for anyone looking into multiple sclerosis (MS), whether as a patient, family member, doctor, researcher, or student. In addition to explaining this autoimmune disorder in detail, it offers links to sites that delve into treatments, current research, fundraising events, clinical trials of new drugs, and breaking news […]

  10. Health & Medicine

    Healing Gone Haywire: Wound-repair genes signal cancer spread

    An experimental test predicts which breast tumors will spread rapidly without treatment and which are likely to be less aggressive by tracking the activity of genes normally involved in mending injured tissue.

  11. Animals

    Hour of Babble: Young birds sing badly in the morning

    Young zebra finches do badly at song practice for the first few hours after they wake up but then recover, and even improve, their musical skills.

  12. Math minus Grammar: Number skills survive language losses

    Three men who suffered left brain damage that undermined their capacity to speak and understand language still possessed a firm grip of mathematics.
