
  1. Health & Medicine

    To Stanch the Flow: Hemophilia drug curbs brain hemorrhage

    A blood-clotting drug helps some people recover from a bleeding stroke.

  2. Physics

    Electronic Soup: Molecules in acid broth act as circuit parts

    An electronically promising molecule functions well in acid as a tiny amplifier, underscoring the importance of controlling molecules' electrochemical environments to achieve predictable performance.

  3. Humans

    Letters from the February 26, 2005, issue of Science News

    Let’s move it, people When I read of the Hubble Space Telescope–repair controversy (“People, Not Robots: Panel favors shuttle mission to Hubble,” SN: 12/18&25/04, p. 388; “Lean Times: Proposed budget keeps science spending slim,” SN: 2/12/05, p. 102), this question comes to mind: Why can’t an unmanned, powered vehicle latch on to Hubble and fly […]

  4. Shrinking at Sea: Harvesting drives evolution toward smaller fishes

    In response to fishing, numerous fish species have evolved to be smaller and to grow more slowly, creating populations of fish that are poor at reproducing and inefficient at bulking up.

  5. Astronomy

    Big Flash: Record-breaking explosion in outer space

    The brightest flash of light ever recorded from beyond the solar system could help account for a puzzling group of extremely short-lived gamma-ray bursts from distant galaxies.

  6. Animals

    The Old Crowd: Minke whales have long thrived in Antarctic seas

    Genetic studies of whale meat from Tokyo grocery stores appear to strengthen the case for protecting Antarctica's minke whales against renewed hunting.

  7. Astronomy

    Ghostly Galaxy: Massive, dark cloud intrigues scientists

    Astronomers say they have found the only known galaxy devoid of stars.

  8. Astronomy


    Astronomers have discovered a star so speedy that it will eventually leave the Milky Way and venture into intergalactic space.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Study can’t tie EMFs to cancer

    A massive, long-term Swedish study has found no sign that occupational exposures to electromagnetic fields might trigger breast cancer in women.

  10. Earth

    Lava fountain driven by reservoir of gas

    The gases driving a lava fountain that spewed from Italy's Mount Etna in June 2000 had accumulated in a reservoir 1.5 kilometers below the mountain's peak, chemical analyses suggest.

  11. Physics

    A quantum fluid pipes up

    After 40 years of trying, physicists have heard a quantum-mechanical whistle emanating from two reservoirs of oscillating liquid helium separated by a perforated membrane.

  12. Earth

    Adding mussel to environmental assessments

    Researchers have developed a new technique, using mussel shells, that could aid in autopsies of aquatic ecosystems that perished for unknown reasons.
