
  1. Astronomy

    Hole power

    New computer simulations and observations are adding to the evidence that supermassive black holes control the growth of the galaxies they inhabit, wielding an influence far beyond their gravitational grasp.

  2. Archaeology

    Pottery points to ‘mother culture’

    The Olmec, a society that more than 3,000 years ago inhabited what is now Mexico's Gulf Coast, acted as a mother culture for communities located hundreds of miles away, according to a chemical analysis of pottery remains and local clays from ancient population sites in the area.

  3. Earth

    Baking dirt to predict erosion after a fire

    Lab tests suggest that a wide variety of soils exposed to the heat of intense wildfires end up with a similar resistance to erosion, a finding that may help scientists model that process more accurately.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Cell transplants make gains versus diabetes

    Transplanting insulin-making cells from a single cadaver into people with type 1 diabetes can reverse the disease in some people.

  5. Earth

    Winged solution to biopollution?

    Government officials have released alien moths in hopes that they will rein in the spread of an aggressive climbing fern now invading some 100,000 acres in south Florida.

  6. 19521

    Your article appears to suggest that healing of old people could be promoted by young people’s blood. Perhaps there is something to the Dracula story after all. Young people give blood for money. Anything known about the effect of transfusions on old people? Bill HawkinsMinneapolis, Minn. The mice in this experiment exchanged far more blood […]

  7. Healing secret lies in blood

    An unknown factor in blood may be the key to why young people and animals heal much faster than old ones do.

  8. Earth

    Straight Flush

    Scientists are evaluating the results of the flood they unleashed in the Grand Canyon last November, hoping that it will restore sandbars and beaches along the Colorado River just downstream of Arizona's Glen Canyon Dam.

  9. Math

    Super Bowl Crashes

    Should you stay off the road immediately after the Super Bowl telecast is over?

  10. Humans

    From the February 23, 1935, issue

    A new type of "atom" gun, solar X rays, and crushing mineral ore.

  11. Physics

    Particle Physics Phun

    An array of games, such as Particle Pinball and Race for Energy, challenge visitors at a Web site hosted by the high-energy physics center known as the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Aimed at kids, the “Fermilabyrinth” pages introduce players to a zoo of elementary particles while it exercises pattern-recognition skills that scientists use to spot […]

  12. Ecosystems

    Return of the Wetlands? Restoration possible for some Iraqi marshes

    Field studies conducted in Iraq last year suggest that some of the region's ecologically devastated marshes could be returned to health.
