
  1. Animals

    Shortcut to Big Heart: Pythons build cardiac muscle in record time

    A Burmese python can boost its cardiac fitness—by bulking up its heart muscle 40 percent in two days—just by eating.

  2. Astronomy

    Nursery Pictures: Astronomers glimpse primordial clustering

    Astronomers have found the earliest traces of galaxy clustering, from a period just 1 billion years after the birth of the universe.

  3. Earth

    Warm Spell: Arctic algae record shift in climate

    Analyses of sediment samples taken from remote arctic lakes indicate that the climate across large swaths of the Northern Hemisphere has been warming for many decades.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Measuring HIV’s Cost: Treatment adds years, but many still miss out

    Medical care for people infected with HIV has already saved about 2 million years of life in the United States, but more than 200,000 HIV-infected Americans are not benefiting from drugs that could extend their lives.

  5. 19523

    Your article didn’t specify how strong the ultrasonic waves were or if any special conditions were required for these bubbles to form. I am curious to know if there’s a difference between the ultrasonic waves mentioned in your article and those in ultrasound exams of pregnant women. Andrea BikfalvyDowagiac, Mich. The article made me wonder […]

  6. Physics

    Brutal Bubbles: Collapsing orbs rip apart atoms

    Spikes of heat and pressure in sonoluminescence caused by the implosions of light-emitting bubbles in liquids can strip atoms of electrons.

  7. Humans

    Letters from the March 5, 2005, issue of Science News

    Way-up wander? It seems interesting that undersea flows have at least one characteristic different from rivers: “While river floods on land can create natural levees a few meters tall, the levees formed by [undersea] turbidity currents can grow up to 100 m[eters] high” (“Hidden Canyons,” SN: 1/1/05, p. 9). There are several sites on Mars […]

  8. Math

    Primal Surge

    The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search has netted its eighth champion.

  9. 19522

    I’m sure you published this article in good faith, but I believe that claims for shark cartilage are not made seriously by anyone who studies the role of natural substances in cancer prevention. It was proved ineffective long ago. I think your article does a disservice to honest people who are trying to fight the […]

  10. Health & Medicine

    A Fishy Therapy

    Shark cartilage continues to be sold to fight cancer, even though its efficacy has not been confirmed by any major U.S. trials.

  11. Cytoplasm affects embryonic development

    The DNA in a fertilized egg's mitochondria may play a pivotal role in the organism's growth.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Protein may aid stroke recovery

    Tests in mice have shown that erythropoietin, a red blood cell growth factor, can reverse brain damage caused by strokes.
