
  1. Health & Medicine

    Inner-brain electrode may curb depression

    Deep-brain electrical stimulation has shown promise in treating severe depression.

  2. Astronomy

    Radiation from a baby star

    X-ray telescopes have captured the earliest and clearest view of the core of a gas cloud about to transform into a star.

  3. Master gene found for insect smell

    A single gene may oversee the sense of smell in a variety of insect species.

  4. Anthropology

    Inside view of our wee, ancient cousins

    A tiny, humanlike species that inhabited an Indonesian island more than 20,000 years ago possessed a brain that shared some organizational features with Homo erectus, a large-brained human ancestor that thought in complex ways.

  5. Faces elicit strong emotions in autism

    Children with autism avoid eye contact because they experience uncomfortably intense emotional reactions when looking at faces.

  6. Physics

    Primordial Nukes

    The rocky remains of nuclear reactors that formed spontaneously in African uranium deposits 2 billion years ago are yielding striking new details about their operation as well as signs that a fundamental aspect of the universe may have once been stronger than it is today.

  7. Materials Science

    Venetian Grinds

    Venetian Renaissance artists, renowned for their vibrant colors, mixed powdered glass with their paints in an attempt to expand their palettes and create unique optical effects.

  8. From the March 2, 1935, issue

    A new telescope nears completion, a new therapy for heart disease succeeds, and a new low temperature is reached.

  9. Earth

    What’s in the Dirt?

    Curious about the abundance of various chemical elements in the area where you live? The U.S. Geological Survey offers a database of more than 60,000 chemical analyses of stream sediment and soil in different parts of the United States. Color-coded maps provide county-by-county data on the concentrations of such elements as mercury, arsenic, selenium, and […]

  10. Infectious Evolution: Ancient virus hit apes, not our ancestors, in the genes

    A potentially deadly infection wormed its way into the DNA of ancestral chimpanzees and gorillas between 4 million and 3 million years ago, thus altering the evolution of these African apes while keeping clear of human ancestors on that same continent.

  11. Planetary Science

    Martian Landscaping: Spacecraft eyes evidence of a frozen sea

    After analyzing images taken by the orbiting Mars Express spacecraft, researchers reported that a flat region near the Red Planet's equator holds a frozen ocean that was once the size of the North Sea.

  12. 19524

    The many reports of the explorations of Mars looking for water seem to be motivated by mere curiosity. Even if water is found on Mars, the lack of a Martian magnetic field would expose any life on Mars to the ravages of radiation from space. The high-velocity sandstorms would also be adverse to any life […]
