
  1. Physics

    Light’s Hidden Holdup: Reflected laser beams loiter a little

    Using an ultrashort pulse laser, physicists have measured a minuscule time delay that affects light reflecting off many surfaces.

  2. 19529

    This is the fourth time I’ve seen a report that vitamin E may not be appropriate for elderly people at cardiac risk. Detailed statistics are always given, but one fact is always omitted: what type of vitamin E was used in the study. Failing to explain what form of vitamin E was used makes the […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin E Loses Luster: Nutrient tests show disappointing results

    In people who have a history of heart disease or diabetes, vitamin E supplements don't improve overall health and might even boost heart-failure risk.

  4. Humans

    Student Scientists to Watch: With diverse ideas, young talents win big in annual competition

    With science projects by 40 of the nation's brightest high school students arrayed before them last week, judges had the task of weighing the merits of undertakings as diverse as the study of deep-sea volcanism and the development of a promising new antibiotic.

  5. Sugar Coated: Molecular dress-up may disguise gut bacteria

    The mammalian immune system doesn't attack native gut bacteria as foreign invaders because the bacteria disguise themselves with sugar molecules.

  6. Schizophrenia Syncs Fast: Disconnected brain may lie at heart of disorder

    A misalignment of electrical outbursts by large numbers of neurons may play a major role in schizophrenia.

  7. Animals

    Vampires Run: Bats on treadmills show high-speed gait

    The first test of vampire bats on a treadmill shows that they've evolved their own style of running.

  8. 19528

    You may be aware that nanoparticles from sources such as diesel engines have clearly been shown to be a major component of the exposures causing thousands of human deaths in the London smog of 1952. So, the news regarding synthetic nanoscale particles in this article is important but not terribly surprising. Jerrold L. AbrahamSUNY Upstate […]

  9. Earth

    Nano Hazards: Exposure to minute particles harms lungs, circulatory system

    Inhaling microscopic nanospheres and nanotubes, as might occur during their manufacture or commercial use, could trigger damage well beyond the lungs.

  10. Wolf Search

    For those fascinated by wolves, retired biology professor Bill Forbes has developed a Web site devoted to these amazing, magnificent creatures. The site provides links to a wide variety of publications, including research articles and other materials, about wolves. It also includes wolf sounds, images of wolf skulls, quizzes, and even an interactive crossword puzzle. […]

  11. Planetary Science

    Saturn says ‘cheese’

    Astronomers have assembled the largest and most-detailed global portrait of the ringed planet ever made.

  12. Chemistry

    Parrot plumage has exclusive pigmentation

    The spectacular colors of parrot feathers owe their vibrancy to a set of pigments found nowhere else in nature.
