
  1. Chemistry

    Color Trails: Natural dyes in historic textiles get a closer look

    A new chemical technique for extracting natural dyes from ancient textiles could help identify the plant species from which the colorants came.

  2. Animals

    Fish Din: Reef clamor attracts young fish settlers

    When looking for a home, young fish seem to prefer a reef that's alive with the sounds of shrimp and fish rather than a quieter environment.

  3. Tech

    Open Sesame: Portable devices may achieve magnetic resonance views

    Top-notch magnetic resonance sensing now found only in hospitals and chemical labs may become available in portable devices, thanks to a new type of magnetic sensor.

  4. Remote Control Minds: Light flashes direct fruit fly behavior

    Researchers have exerted a little mind control over fruit flies by designing and installing genetic 'remote controls' within the insects' brains.

  5. 19539

    To a layman like me, it seems almost impossible that light reflected from a body that lies “much farther from the star than Pluto does from the sun” could be seen from Earth at a distance of 450 light years, when Pluto, only 6 light hours away, reflects so little light to Earth. Peter JemingSeattle, […]

  6. Astronomy

    Stellar Question: Extrasolar planet or failed star?

    A tiny dot of light next to a young, sunlike star might be the long-sought image of an extrasolar planet.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Molecular Switch: Protein may influence chronic-pain disorder

    A cell-surface protein found in the nervous system may play a central role in a chronic-pain condition known as neuropathy.

  8. Anthropology

    Untangling Ancient Roots: Earliest hominid shows new, improved face

    New fossil finds and a digitally reconstructed skull bolster the claim that the oldest known member of the human evolutionary family lived in central Africa between 6 million and 7 million years ago.

  9. Physics

    Lone protein molecule could tip this scale

    A scale-on-a-chip capable of weighing individual, biologically active proteins took a step closer to reality as a minuscule, vibrating bridge detected the mass of a mere 30 xenon atoms.

  10. Physics

    Tense encounters drive a nanomotor

    Exploiting the relative strength of surface tension forces in the world of tiny objects, a novel type of nanomotor creates a powerful thrust each time molten metal droplets merge.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Detecting cancer in a flash

    Instant identification of cancer cells may become possible following experiments demonstrating that healthy and cancerous cells alter laser light in different, and distinguishable, ways.

  12. Animals

    DNA tells pigs’ tale of diverse ancestry

    A genetic study indicates that pigs were domesticated in at least seven different parts of Asia and Europe, not in just two regions, as many researchers had assumed.
