
  1. Health & Medicine

    Step up to denser bones

    Step aerobics proved better than resistance exercises for building bone density.

  2. Planetary Science

    Comet mission loses some focus

    A camera aboard the Deep Impact spacecraft, set to fire a projectile into the icy heart of Comet Tempel-1 on July 4, is slightly out of focus.

  3. Earth

    Balloons, condoms release likely carcinogens

    Balloons and condoms that come in contact with body fluids discharge chemicals suspected of being human carcinogens.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Company pulls pain drug from market

    The Food and Drug Administration has asked Pfizer to stop selling its prescription pain medication valdecoxib (Bextra).

  5. Obesity may aggravate flu

    At least in mice, obesity can greatly exaggerate the severity of flu by impairing the body's immune response.

  6. Planetary Science

    A Martian haven for life?

    Images taken by two Mars spacecraft suggest that a volcano on the Red Planet erupted long ago at the confluence of two riverbeds, indicating that the region had two of the prequisites for life: heat and water.

  7. 19544

    Your article on the reaction of nanoparticles of iron with trichloroethane (TCE) contaminating an aquifer, states that the TCE is converted “into ethane.” What happens to the chlorine stripped off the TCE? Is it converted into insoluble inorganic compounds or is it available to react with another aquifer contaminant to possibly form another toxic substance? […]

  8. Tech

    Special Treatment

    Researchers are developing nanosize metallic particles that can break down soil and groundwater contaminants faster and more cheaply than any other existing technology.

  9. 19543

    This article made me wonder about the possibility of a continuum of matter. Could part of the problem in identifying dark matter be that only part of the spectrum of matter is observable by our senses and sensors? As there are sound waves above and below the frequencies we can hear, and light waves we […]

  10. Astronomy

    Dark Influence

    A study of galaxy clusters tests whether dark matter particles can collide with each other, while other observations show that dark matter doesn't behave as expected near the centers of galaxies.

  11. Math

    Captcha the Puzzle

    A computer creates a test that it can't pass but most people can.

  12. Humans

    From the April 13, 1935, issue

    A giant meteorite discovered in Kansas, gasoline made from coal in Germany, and elastic rock layers deep in the earth.
