
  1. Mitochondria genes may influence cancer risk

    People with cancers of the kidney or prostate are more likely to have a certain genetic variation in the mitochondria within their cells.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Marijuana ingredient slows artery hardening

    Low doses of the chemical that causes marijuana's high can slow the progression of atherosclerosis.

  3. 19549

    It boggles my mind that someone paid for a study of the benefits of petroleum-based fuel in Africa when a superior, lower-cost solution is already available. For the cost of the study, solar cookers might have been provided to several thousand families, protecting the health of those families and saving them the time and expense […]

  4. Humans

    Change of fuel could extend lives in Africa

    By switching from biofuels such as wood and charcoal to kerosene or other fossil fuels, people in many parts of Africa could significantly trim indoor air pollution, thereby delaying millions of premature deaths from pulmonary disease over the next 25 years.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Surgical risk from painkiller may be brief

    A new study suggests that patients might safely use painkillers such as ibuprofen up to 24 hours before surgery.

  6. Materials Science

    Shape shifter

    Scientists have created a polymer that, after being deformed, will revert to its original shape when exposed to ultraviolet light.

  7. Ecosystems

    Decades of Dinner

    Sunken whale carcasses support unique marine ecosystems that display stages of succession and change, just as land ecosystems do.

  8. Tech


    Radio transmitters broadcasting from imploding buildings are informing engineers about how such collapses disrupt radio communications and how rescuers might overcome those disruptions.

  9. Math

    Works in Progress

    Studying math in school doesn't often give you a sense of what mathematical research is about.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the April 30, 2005, issue of Science News

    Supplemental information Vitamin E Loses Luster: Nutrient tests show disappointing results” (SN: 3/19/05, p. 182) is the fourth time I’ve seen a report that vitamin E may not be appropriate for elderly people at cardiac risk. Detailed statistics are always given, but one fact is always omitted: what type of vitamin E was used in […]

  11. Humans

    From the April 27, 1935, issue

    An artificial lightning bolt, predicting life spans, and a new, nonmagnetic ship.

  12. Whale Songs

    Listen to the songs of whales and the sounds of the ocean near Maui, Hawaii. The Whalesong Project is the effort of a group of volunteers to bring attention to the beauty of oceans and the wonder of whales and dolphins. Go to: http://www.whalesong.net/
