
  1. Planetary Science

    Roving on the Red Planet

    Scientists review the discoveries made by the Mars rovers after nearly 18 months on the Red Planet.

  2. Math

    Divisibility by Seven

    An ingenious, recently developed method tests if a number is divisible by 7.

  3. Cockroach Study

    For students and teachers, this Web page by high school biology teacher Mary Colvard offers a lesson plan for a lab in which students look for signs of learning in cockroaches. The lesson plan includes background information about cockroaches. Go to: http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/AEF/1995/colvard_cockroach.html

  4. Humans

    Letters from the May 21, 2005, issue of Science News

    Rascal rabbits Evidence of animals sensing where people are looking and what they’re seeing is interesting yet hardly new (“Monkey See, Monkey Think: Grape thefts instigate debate on primate’s mind,” SN: 3/12/05, p. 163). For years, I have observed that wild rabbits will remain motionless as long as I stare in their direction. But as […]

  5. Humans

    From the May 18, 1935, issue

    Making heavy water, probing the cause of multiple sclerosis, and establishing galaxy rotation.

  6. Physics

    Molecular Anatomy Revealed

    Using ever-faster lasers to zap the electron clouds in atoms and molecules, scientists are making major strides toward observing and controlling the elementary quantum transformations that underlie all of chemistry.

  7. 19552

    This article, on the deleterious effect of dams on coastal systems, contains a major conceptual error. It states that “another important cause of the ground sinking is the waning of sediment deposition by the Mississippi River.” But over the past 100 million years, the northern Gulf Coast region has been subsiding because of excessive sediment […]

  8. Earth

    Muddy Waters

    Even though human activities such as agriculture and deforestation are sending more sediment into streams and rivers, less of that material is reaching river deltas, a trend that exacerbates problems such as subsidence and coastal erosion.

  9. Chemistry

    Boxes coated with citronella repel insects

    A fragrant grass extract known as citronella oil may deter insects from infesting cartons of food.

  10. Earth

    School buses spew pollution into young lungs

    Children riding on school buses inhale heavy doses of diesel fumes, and reducing these emissions could be a cost-effective means of improving their health, a new study suggests.

  11. Anthropology

    Coasting to Asia in the Stone Age

    New genetic analyses of people from native island groups in Southeast Asia support the unconventional view that around 70,000 years ago, people living in Africa crossed the Red Sea and moved east along Asia's southern coast.

  12. Planetary Science

    Saturnian moonscape

    Planetary scientists have obtained their closest image yet of Epimetheus, one of Saturn's tiny moons.
