
  1. 19554

    This article features yet another study making summary statements on what is obviously inadequate sampling. Most of the language families from California to Alaska have not been represented in any DNA studies. Those of us who study cultures on the northwest coast of America see the enormous complexities of cultures in this area. Outdated and […]

  2. Anthropology

    Founding Families: New World was settled by small tribe

    A new genetic analysis indicates that only about 200 to 300 people crossed the ice age land bridge from Asia to become the founding population of North America.

  3. Ecosystems

    Pesticide makes bees bumble

    The pesticide spinosad, previously thought safe for bees, may damage their ability to forage for nectar.

  4. Tech

    Morphing wheels for beginner bikers

    A new bike design for kids morphs from tricycle into bicycle as the rider gets moving, possibly easing the often-fearful starts at riding two-wheelers.

  5. Tech

    Nuke batteries get more practical

    Nuclear batteries that will last for decades may have moved closer to reality with the demonstration of a silicon chip riddled with radioactive, tritium-filled pits where radiation is efficiently converted to electricity.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Shot in the gut

    A mystifying case of lead poisoning, which may have lasted more than a decade, turned out to have been caused by a swallowed shotgun pellet.

  7. Tech

    Carbon nanotubes drive X-ray scanner

    X-ray scanners based on carbon nanotubes could make airport luggage screening and high-tech medical imaging more efficient.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Enzyme stopper combats cancers

    An experimental drug combination that inhibits an enzyme that's abundant in tumor cells shows promise against several cancers.

  9. Planetary Science

    Ringing in a new moon

    The Cassini spacecraft has spotted a new moon of Saturn, only the second known to lie within the planet's main rings.

  10. Why making fat is good for you

    Making new fat from food intake, as opposed to using stored fat, regulates genes important for blood sugar, fatty acid, and cholesterol concentrations.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Us against Them

    New antibiotics may be valuable weapons in the fight against tougher bacteria.

  12. 19553

    This article should also point out that only a very thick atmosphere could have allowed the surface temperature to be high while the radiation output from the sun was only 70 percent that at the present. J. Thomas BaylorAustin, Texas Theorists agree that the atmosphere of Mars was thicker when the planet was wetter. They’re […]
