
  1. Health & Medicine

    Codes for Killers: Knowledge of microbes could lead to cures

    Scientists have deciphered the DNA of the parasites responsible for African sleeping sickness, Chagas' disease, and leishmaniasis.

  2. Tech

    Wiring up molecules

    Minuscule gaps of controlled sizes in gold microwires may serve as test sites for probing properties of specks of material as small as a single molecule and as a basis for novel sensors and circuit components.

  3. Hypnosis subdues the visual brain

    Hypnotic suggestions to perceive written words as gibberish depress activity in brain areas responsible for vision, possibly reflecting a hypnosis-induced decline in attention paid to visual objects.

  4. Animals

    Is eyeless sea creature fishing with a red light?

    Researchers off the coast of California have captured three deep-water siphonophores, relatives of jellyfish, and observed in the lab that the creatures twitch little red lights that could be lures for fish.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Vaccines against Marburg and Ebola viruses advance

    Two new vaccines protect against the lethal Ebola and Marburg viruses, tests in monkeys show.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Cells in heart can regenerate dead tissue

    Stem cells in heart tissue that has survived a heart attack can be prodded to regenerate dead portions of the injured organ.

  7. Bacterial tresses conduct electricity

    New research suggests that several species of Geobacter bacteria use hairlike structures known as pili to move electrons.

  8. 19570

    This article makes a comparison: “A LED can last for up to 100,000 hours compared with the 1,000-hour lifetime of a typical lightbulb and the 10,000-hour lifetime of a typical fluorescent lightbulb.” This is misleading in comparing the maximum LED lifetime with typical bulb lifetimes. The typical lifetime of an LED depends on the application. […]

  9. Materials Science

    Bright Future

    Energy-efficient, semiconductor-based chips called light-emitting diodes will begin to illuminate homes and offices within the next decade, displacing power-hungry incandescent and fluorescent lighting.

  10. 19569

    A lot of people ask how someone like Richard Feynman, who played the bongo drums, loved practical jokes, and was an amateur safecracker and a bon vivant, could also win a Nobel Prize in Physics. Actually, all of Feynman’s disparate characteristics are entirely in keeping with each other. In psychiatrist Carl Jung’s terms, Feynman was […]

  11. Physics

    Dr. Feynman’s Doodles

    A new U.S. postage stamp honoring physicist and folk hero Richard P. Feynman sports curious squiggles, invented by Feynman, that were rejected at first but soon became a major tool of physicists everywhere for picturing the behaviors and calculating the properties of matter and energy.

  12. Math

    Name Voyager

    A striking form of data visualization enhances the search for a suitable name for a baby.
