
  1. 19587

    The research into placebos’ pain relief in this article should probably be tied in with the recent work utilizing hypnotism for pain relief. It may well be that the two turn on the same centers of the brain. C. Norman WinningstadNewport, Ore.

  2. Astronomy

    Hidden black holes

    A new study has added to existing evidence that most of the monster black holes at the cores of galaxies are shrouded by dust.

  3. Rice, revealed

    Researchers have finished a 6-year-long effort to sequence the genome of rice.

  4. 19586

    I note that pleasure activates the neurobiological response that fuels addictive behavior. It has long been a tenet of the 12-step programs that there is no pleasure greater than to use one’s talents to help others similarly afflicted. Perhaps we shouldn’t discount the neurological effect of that activity. Betsy (last name withheld) It’s a fact […]

  5. Food Fix

    Scientists have discovered a number of neurological connections between drug addiction and obesity.

  6. Math

    Armor-Plated Puzzle

    Behind the beautiful patterns of many viral shells lie principles of pure physics and mathematics that scientists have illuminated in recent theoretical studies.

  7. Math

    Primes, Palindromes, and Pyramids

    Prime numbers that have the same sequence of digits whether read forward or backward can be built into pyramids.

  8. Humans

    From the August 24, 1935, issue

    Learning from spiders, a tiny electric motor, and two new cancer-causing chemicals.

  9. Earth

    Sea Monitors

    Developed by researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, SeaMaven is a new Web portal that gives students access to data collected from naval platforms 60 miles off the coast of Georgia. Eight platforms, currently operated by the U.S. Navy for flight training, have been equipped with sophisticated sensors to monitor various ocean and meteorological […]

  10. Animals

    What’s That Knocking? Sound evidence offered for long-lost woodpecker

    Cornell's Laboratory of Ornithology has released recordings from the woods of eastern Arkansas that researchers say could be the distinctive drumming and calls of the ivory-billed woodpecker.

  11. Chemistry

    Presto, Change-o: New solutions could clean up chemistry

    Scientists have developed a simple technique to switch an oil-like solvent into a waterlike one.

  12. Earth

    Seafloor features steered tsunamis

    Tsunamis circled the globe after a magnitude 9.3 earthquake struck the Indian Ocean last Dec. 26, but the waves didn't spread evenly.
