
  1. Paleontology


    The Smithsonian Institution’s dinosaur Web site tells the story of the National Museum of Natural History’s collections, research, and staff. Visitors not only learn about the early history of these well-known dinosaur collections but also get a chance to participate in a virtual dinosaur discovery, click through an interactive “Tree of Life” highlighting milestones in […]

  2. Animals

    Perfect Match: Tied contest gives fish no hormone rush

    A male fish produces a burst of hormones as he fights off an intruder, but this surge isn't triggered simply by fighting.

  3. 19588

    In this article the mirror image isn’t really a perfect match, is it? It doesn’t itself secrete anything. Also, could the mirror be made to slowly withdraw, thus pulling the fish image away from the real fish in a simulated retreat? Let’s see then if there are any victory-induced hormones released. W. Gregory StewartLos Angeles, […]

  4. Tech

    Electronics Gets Y’s: Nanotubes branch out as novel transistors

    Y-shaped nanotubes might become a common component in ultrasmall electronic circuitry.

  5. Materials Science

    Sun and Sand: Dirty silicon could supply solar power

    Scientists have proposed a way to control the distribution of contaminants in silicon, potentially opening up the use of cheaper starting materials for making solar cells.

  6. Planetary Science

    Top of the Martian hill

    After a 14-month climb up a Martian hill, NASA's rover Spirit took a panoramic image of the view from the top.

  7. Thinking the Hurt Away: Expectations hitch ride on pain’s brain pathway

    Positive thinking exerts a calming effect on pain-related brain areas, yielding a substantial reduction in the actual perception of pain, a brain-scan investigation suggests.

  8. Humans

    Hurricane provisions

    We at Science News express our strong concern and extend our deepest sympathy to those who are suffering through the ongoing ordeal caused by Hurricane Katrina.

  9. Dead Tired: Weary doctors function as if intoxicated

    After a month of long hours of challenging work, fatigued physicians show impairments in driving and other tasks requiring constant attention and quick reactions.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Critical for Coating: Protein directs nerve-sheath construction

    A protein produced by nerve cells is essential for the manufacture of myelin, the fatty sheath surrounding nerve fibers.

  11. Humans

    Letters from the September 10, 2005, issue of Science News

    Pennies in heaven? Why slam a copper impactor into Comet Tempel 1 (“A Grand Slam: In a winning move, NASA probe burrows into a comet,” SN: 7/9/05, p. 22)? Wouldn’t copper vapor contaminate the spray? Why not a high-temperature ceramic? P.M. deLaubenfelsCorvallis, Ore. According to Casey Lisse of the Deep Impact team, copper was chosen […]

  12. ***Notice to Subscribers in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina***

    The U.S. Postal Service has asked magazine publishers to suspend subscription mailings to areas that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Science News subscribers in those areas won't be charged for issues that are withheld, and their subscriptions will be extended. Mailings will resume upon notification by the USPS that delivery is reinstated.
