
  1. Archaeology

    French site sparks Neandertal debate

    Radiocarbon analyses of material from a French cave indicate that Neandertal and modern human occupations of the site overlapped around 36,000 years ago, possibly explaining why Neandertals began to employ some new toolmaking techniques around that time.

  2. 19591

    Just curious about the wording in the first paragraph of this article: “Around 36,000 years ago, Neandertals and people lived side by side ….” Were not the Neandertals “people,” and isn’t it true that Neandertals and Cro-Magnons were both Homo sapiens? John Hanson MitchellLincoln, Mass. This is one of the biggest debates in paleoanthropology. Many […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Lead in spice mixes caused poisonings

    Contaminated spices, purchased from poorly regulated sources, can explain some cases of lead poisoning that involve several members of a family.

  4. Earth

    The river’s rising: A depressing effect

    When the Amazon River swells in flood each rainy season, the immense weight of the water causes Earth's surface in the region to sink dozens of centimeters.

  5. Physics

    Champion of strength is forged in mighty anvil

    A new form of carbon created in an anvil and composed of microscopic needles of diamond has emerged as the strongest known material.

  6. 19590

    Biologist Paul Denny indicates in this article that if the test of the saliva shows that the young patient is at high risk for developing cavities, then extra precautions could be taken such as sealants and fluoride treatments. As a practicing dentist, I wish to point out that both of those procedures are routine with […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Oral Exams

    Scientists are taking advantage of the components in spit to develop new, saliva-based diagnostic tests.

  8. 19589

    I have spent the past 30 years as a geoscientist studying the history of Earth and take great exception to a statement in the article: “Scientists are divided on whether climate change, induced by industrial and automotive release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, is driving these statistics.” This sentence states that there would […]

  9. Earth

    The Wind and the Fury

    New research suggests that, as global warming proceeds, hurricane winds will gain speed and the storms will dump more rain, but controversy lingers as to how much more violent the storms will become and when they will occur.

  10. ***Notice to Subscribers in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina***

    The U.S. Postal Service has asked magazine publishers to suspend subscription mailings to areas that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Science News subscribers in those areas won't be charged for issues that are withheld, and their subscriptions will be extended. Mailings will resume upon notification by the USPS that delivery is reinstated.

  11. Math

    Celestial Atomic Physics

    Insights from atomic physics lead to new routes for spacecraft.

  12. Humans

    From the September 7, 1935, issue

    Lifelike museum exhibits, a vaccine against the common cold, and the functions of genes.
